Tuesday, July 20, 2010

We got found out.. again. :(

Today's Math test was HORRID, HORRIBLE, HIDEOUS. My graph sucked. My first question was left undone. I would be lucky if I were to pass.

The peribahasa test sucked more. I would be extremely lucky if I were to pass at all. I'm talking 4leafclover-horseshoe-bunnyfoot lucky.


Today was nice otherwise.

But oh SHEESH. Please lah, ok? If you wan't to go around gambolling with other friends and leave me out, so be it! At least let ME go with MY OWN group of friends. I missed an opportunity, you ----------. I wouldn't mind waiting for you, if you would at least layan me or something. You made me waste my precious time. > :(

Wish I could actually swear here. Hmph.

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