Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Argh, I am so tired today. Yesterday was so full of.. hardcore happiness (haha lol) that it seriously tired me out just being very very very happy. And I think it affected me somehow.

Because when I went to sleep, images of cards and 'Happy Birthday's and FB and colour haunted me. And since that made me feel intensely happy, I guess I did not get much of a rest then either. :/

And it does not help knowing that I can't pacify myself with some leftover chocolate cake, or chocolate biscuits, or chocolate wafers, or chocolates, or brownies.

I don't want to talk about today.

Au revoir.



Darn. I need a nap. :(

Longing? Is it that?

Monday, August 30, 2010


Today was undeniably an awesome awesome awesome day. I don't know how to put it.. Hmm.. Ok. Wait, first. I AM OFFICIALLY 14!! Not like I'm too excited to be 14, but. Hmm..



is all I can type for the time being. Heeheehee. Ok.

Thank you to darling darling Anis for the beautiful beautiful ancient-looking Parisienne notebook that looks more like an adventure logbook!! :)) AHHH I LOVE IT SO MUCH DAMMIT. :DD And the card! :)

Thanks Adani to your really unlame gift even though you got it from the bookshop! :) It's cute, just like you! Love you lots!

Thanks a LOT to Mama and Papa for the yummy chocolate cake(!!) and the earpieces! I love them so much! I love you I love you I love you!

Thank you to Hushy, Wak Za, Nyai, Aunty Ju and all other family members for their wishes. ((:


Alyssa: AHH THANK YOU THANK YOU for the Video!! It was LOVELY! And AWESOME! Hahaha maybe I should post it up here, on FB, etc. ;) And, hmm, the small jar of nature? Heh. :) I LOVE YOU! Thank you for the text though you couldn't stay up till 12. (:

Amanda: THANK YOU FOR the POST-ITS. HAHAHA. THEY WERE FRANC-Y. AND I FEEL SO HIGH BECAUSE OF IT. AHHH!! And, yesss the pretty pretty card and the little pink shoe! Do you think it'll fit my doll? (: Love you lots, hubby! Heh heh. (:

Carls: HAHAHAHA I LOVE TIMTAM. :)) I really am not disappointed that you did not get me those earrings. Honest! Thanks so much anyway, awesome deskie! We are so gonna stay friends forever.

Jan: I LOVE the notebook! And the lovely rose card! And the yummy yummy brownie! Hahahaha!! I loved everything!! Thank you thank you too for getting/understanding ME! :)) I LOVE YOU!! :)))Jan, of COURSE we'll stay friends till the end of time and way past that. (Do I make sense? :P) And thanks for the text! :)

Miselle: HAHAHA YOU FORGOT MY GIFT TOO! XDD Nah, it's okay! :) And, by doing that, you helped me a LOT. I had a lot to bring home. :X Heehee. I love you too! :) Stay awesome! Edited: THANK YOU FOR THE PARIS NOTEBOOK AND PEN!! :)))) Love you lots! :D

Mei Lin: Thank you loads for the KitKat! Hahahaha are you trying to fatten me up? :0 I missed being your deskie too! DD: Love ya!

Nicci: Hey!! :) I love that card! Despite what you call a fail attempt at drawing the Eiffel Tower, I think it's beautiful. :) Carlyn says you are very creative. I can't (ok I can) agree more. And, I really love the message. :)) Yeah. Why should I let something like that end everything? :)

Nicole: NICOLE! Thank you lots for the bag of chocolates!! :DD I haven't eaten them yet, but they look terribly delicious. P: Thank you so much, Nicole. I LOVE YOU! You're gonna make me fat with all that confectionery!! And thank you for the text!

Nicolette: Nico! THANK YOU FOR THE AWESOME NOTEBOOK! :DD IT'S BEAUTIFUL! And OMG the post-its! They are so KIUTE! :DD AND THE LETTER/NOTE! :) Thanks a lot! I love everything! :) And, I can keep secrets. I won't show it or whatever. ;)

Siti: Thank you so so so so so so MUCH for the super, ultra cute little cat design litter bin! :))) AHHH!!! It's so cute!!!! :))) And the card! And please thank your sister for me for that little note from her. :) I LOVE YOU LOTS!! :)

Xuan Yi: Thank you for the text at 12 am sharp! WOW! :)) That's nice of you! Heehee... Yep, thanks so much yes? LOVE YOU LOTS!

Yep, and finally, everyone who wrote on my wall on Facebook. Yes, duh I liked every wish and commented. It's only courteous of me if I do that. Heehee. I know. Chem chem chem. Chem can go.. wherever it wants to go. > :(

Hmm... Yess. I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF TODAY! I. LOVED. IT. It's really a beautiful thing to know that you are indeed loved. It's even more beautiful to feel the showers. Hurh hurh hurh. (: Yes. I know. I like attention. Whoops.

Anyway, I loved everything! Thank you for making today such a special day, and the BEST birthday ever! (It is seriously better than the spastic 7th birthday party I had.) Yeah. It was the best birthday ever.

Wait wait wait, most of all, thank you Allah for letting me live another year. And letting me know the value of friendship and love. I had never felt more loved. (:

I'm so high. I'm drunk on this joy! AHHHH!!!


See the words in caps plus all the exclamation marks? How often do I do that? So, please infer. How intense are my feelings? ;)

Sunday, August 29, 2010


YAY! I'm done with my Geog PT. And I have no homework besides that. I guess. Hmm. Lang Arts HW? Nope. Math? Noo.. Chem? No homework. (: Though I still feel uneasy..

Tomorrow's a special day.

Friday, August 27, 2010

If only

I was playing MyScene like I sometimes do and I just saw this decorating a room game. And I thought, 'How lame.' But I played it. And my heart totally cracked seeing this room I decorated!

Now, you might think it's too pink or whatever. But I love the way the pink somehow makes the room look spacious, and very princess-like. And I don't know, it's just me. And I love that sitting-ledge. And OMG look at the background. LOOK LOOK LOOK. What do you see?


Ok, Ima go back to playing dress-up games and whatever. Heehee. Bye!


Today was our Controle 3. :0000 I totally studied my arse off kay! Ok, maybe I'm lying about that, but still, I STUDIED HARD. I want to get at least 70/90 now. I'm sick of always getting 60 plus. -.- And yeah, I think it was okay lah. Not that bad. The listening compre was a killer man! I couldn't hear properly and for the 2nd part I left out many many questions. Lost 4.5 marks already. ): Well, anyway, I hope to redeem myself in the Grammaire section. (: I think I'll do okay for that part. I'm not too worried for this test because I don't think I will fail lah. Heehee. I don't sound egoistic, right? :)

Sigh. Siti is gonna find out if she will be going to VJC on 30 August. :( If she does, then, urgh. :((((((( It's hard. I don't know. SHFHFJSFHGAKUWHDQWUKFBXCVGFW!!!!!
:( It hit me yesterday during sahur. I'm losing a friend.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I don't mind if you take my Milo, but I'm just agitated because I had been looking forward to that for at least 48 hours. And it was only today that they restocked the vending machine. Now I have to wait another 24 hours before I get my Milo. 24 FREAKING HOURS.

And you, making assumptions everywhere. Puhlase. Tell me in WHAT way did she disrespect little miss lovely. (If you have to accuse someone, tuduhlah diriku ini.) We're never gonna stop going round and round, are we?

But it's not a circle, though. Bentuk tiga segi. Triangle. Oh, and today saw.. 6? 7? I don't know. I'm disappointed with myself. It's not exact. :(

Yes. I am very very very angry. I WANT that $*%^@&$ MILO. > :(

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Hey you.
I won't care if you give a too honest opinion, or whatever other crappy stuff you might do to me. I understand that.
But ruin my day first thing in the morning?
Make me feel crappy when I was actually happy about it?
Give me that action face and then walk away from me?
Oh, and the best part?
I actually thought you would not do what you did.
You did, wait, do(present tense; you seriously do not know, and now I will never tell you) not even KNOW what they did to her.
You don't even understand that she had been tolerating what she had tolerated for a few months already.
Just like me.
And you would never understand how much I love my sisters and how much I will do to protect them.
Whatever lah, ok?
I have other people who get me.
So you know what?
You might think I'm being mean or whatever, but YOU know I'm sensitive.
So Ima act cold to you and wait till you do something about it.
I don't care if that's being bitchy.
I really don't care.

13 pieces of evidence, and school's over, and I'm still counting.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I think I shall revert to my secret-keeping self. I realised something today too! It's like, at first, you are trustworthy. Then people trust you and tell you all their secrets. And you feel so so powerful because you kind of know all their weak points. And then you use all that juicy gossip to get people to go to you to be able to know all that. And in the end, you realise that it's wrong. And so, here I am.

Today marks the day I realise that I really do love my sisters even if I say I don't.

You know, I hug Adani every single day before she goes up the spiral staircase to the Alice Lee Hall.

Today Anis was so upset at some... things. She said she wanted to just hug me and tell me everything when I came home. And I came home later than she expected. :( So I just hugged her on the spot. Then, do you want to know what I did? I called those 'friends' of hers. And I kind of.. you know. And I even had time to insert some 'chastisement' saying that they should not have been in the shopping mall in the first place. I said, "It's your prelims, isn't it?" -ahemahem-

And blahblahblah. I said, "Look, I can't be there for her 24/7. So since you're there in school, can you please do me a favour and take care of her feelings for me?"

I feel powerful.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Ok, this is not really a real kind of secret. But since she says so, let's see how far I can keep it in.

You know I used to be so good at keeping quiet? Hm. The only way to make sure I don't let it out is for me to forget it completely. Yah, I think I can for this one.

She said
Ooh do you love me
I wonder why she talks like that
Ooh tell me something
Tell me how'd you get to be so bad
Hey I know something you don't
Let's go
We can go wherever you want to go
How would you feel if I told ya?
You ain't worth the trouble

Sunday, August 22, 2010



I would feel better if I could actually reveal the identity of this bitch.

Actually, it's just my envious side working up again.


Stupid triangle.

I would want to talk to you on MSN, but I don't because I would start typing bitch over and over.

I wish that she would die.

Hmm.. Imagine the situation if she really did.

My envy would be over.


Saturday, August 21, 2010


You know those songs that have some of those high piano notes? Yeah, those lively, happy piano notes. I hate those songs. They are too..sky blue. I never liked sky blue songs. You know, songs like 'Kings of Anything' and unfortunately, 'Ce Qu'ils Aiment' also. I always liked more emotional songs. Or those with lower notes; the ones that get your heart pumping and whatnot. Those dark purple or black songs, like 'Already Gone' and 'Airplanes'. I love those kind. I won't mind songs with high UNPIANO notes, those are orange. Like 'Almost Love'. 'Elle' has high notes, but only at the starting. I think it's the emotional-ess of it that makes me love it, 'cause I can't stand high piano notes. And ultimately, the song is accompanied by those lower notes. This song is a rare colour, it's gold.

Today was fun. I went to Nenek's house to buka puasa pulak. Well, Ili is not such a bad cousin. And Kakak Shasha; OMG. She is hilarious kay? It was fun. (((:

Though in the midst of all that fun and laughter, I was plagued by some..problems. :( Yeah! I shared them with my cuzzies and well, I don't know. They kind of helped me. (: They told me possible retorts. Most were unfeasible. LOL.

OHOHOH. We planned to prank call someone. But in the end they all ah, tsk tsk tsk scared lah don't want to do anymore. -.- Anis and I can't because yeah. Hahaha.

Wrong number. This is bangla. When can we go out?
Plus a million other examples which I forgot. /:)

Friday, August 20, 2010


You stole my Eiffel Tower themed blogskin. Hmph. > :(

Lol jkjk! (: But get a tagboard, sheesh!

And, I still love mine more. HA. :D

Because we both agree French is one of da coolest things ever.

And that La Tour Eiffel is one of the most amazing monuments evar.

I promise never to quit French.


Which part of 'This song is about mothers' do you not get? Sheesh. Seriously. Dammit lah. Go away. Stop making assumptions. Urgh. URGH.


Elle est mon âme
Elle est mon cœur

I found another song but this one is from Melissa! I think Mama has this song on her iPhone. I'm gonna ask her to send it to me. And this song, is also about mothers. So, I love you Mama! (:

On my birthday, I'm gonna make other people feel happy. I think it's like my mission in life or something. Hmm.. Something's not right with me. Whatever.


Elle est tout ce que j’ai de plus chère au monde
Ma raison d’être, ma raison de vivre
Près d’elle, je serai jusqu’à la dernière seconde
C’est toi que j’aime
À l'infini

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Dear Anis, thank you for hearing me bitch. I was in SUCH a bitchy mood and you are SUCH a wonderful listening sister! :)

Me: I wish I could go up to her and talk about it. I feel like slapping her. OH! It would be like this.

M: Hey, can I talk to you for a moment, privately.
E: Yeah, sure.
M: Ok. 1. -blahblahblah- 2. -ahemahemahem- So, on behalf of them, this one's for you.
Elle will glare at me and try some of those tactics.

Me: And then, some catfight will break out. And I can't run away, I run too slowly.
Anis: Then, you can make a gang or something. -insert 4 names- 5 against 1.
Me: Oh right! Hahaha! :)

Thanks Anis, I love you. But then again I also, as a friend, love Elle. And everyone else involved. :((((((

On a lighter note, I had sent Drima an anonymous letter. I had decided to be her anonymous friend. :) I love letters. Have I told you that? I think letters can cheer anyone up. (: She needs one.


Why are you looking at me weirdly?

Stop it, stop it please.

Be jealous, bitch.

What's so great about her?!

Stop doing this to me, can?

I am like, your punching bag or something.

It has happened one time too many.

You are not the only one who tak pedulikan it, kay?

Please let her have her glory.

You ask why.

I say, you have to learn how to zip it for once, and listen more.

I don't hate you, but you make it hard.


The ykw is lessening.

I don't know if that's good or bad.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Today was a horrible day. I was emo. Siti did not come. My plan was ruined since unexpected things happened. (But can still wait for next week. > :D) But it was better during recess! :) I mean, we played that Tarzan game thing. Muahaha! I WON! :D

Whatever, bottomline is that my levelmates cheer me up so much. (: And I love them. Despite anything. Hear that? I. LOVE. YOU.

Today was a horrid day so I wasn't much fun during lessons. I think the best joke I did today was weird. I found it funny though. You won't, trust me.

Me: Carlyn, do you smell my perfume?
C: Uh, no.
Me: Oh. Ok. So it means I'll have to use the whole bottle lah.
And then I started laughing uncontrollably.

Sigh. Primary school kids get a 2-freaking-day holiday. Hmph. > :( Yep. PSLE tomorrow, eh? Haha. I remember MY PSLE oral. Well, it's Anis' turn tomorrow! She's having her Malay first. In my Multiply blog, my posts on PSLE oral were FAKE and GAY. Seriously. SO FAKE.

I hate my life.

Sorry if I snapped at you today or whatever. I recall saying 'get lost' and 'go away' and 'can you stop it' and 'leave me alone, lah puhlease' to some people. :(

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I am SO happy! :)

Tomorrow will be a brilliant day! I have finished all my homework, except for LA. I haven't annotated the poem yet, but I had printed it. :) And Mr Cho will probably go through it in class and all that. :D And my History file is thick so that's a good thing!

And then there's Home Econs tomorrow, and CE which will probably be slack, and there's Chem Lab, and Math will be fun as always!

Alyssa will write back to me because she said she will. And I will be able to see all my lovely friends! I'll ask Siti how the interview went, and then accompany her if she wants to pray even though I can't. I'll talk to Xuan Yi about Anis and feel thankful that I have a fun sister. I'll chat with Carlyn during class while not paying attention. I will talk talk talk to Nicole about whatever I want to talk about.

And then during recess, we will all speak to the Sec 2s in hopes that maybe this will improve everything.

I will sleep earlier than usual tonight, even though it's 11pm. I'll wake up tomorrow with my family to join them in their pre-dawn meal even though I can't fast; my breakfast will be the delicious nasi briyani we had for buka today!

And well, I am just SO happy!

I have the awesomest cousins ever

I was teaching Daiyana on how to do percentage and stuff and do you know what Daiyana sent me today?

Kak audi, u dnt need to reply as ur prepaid is low. I want to tell u tt ur teaching really helps me . Its easier n faster for me to do . So , thnx for teaching me < 3 .

Isn't that so sweet? :) She even knows my prepaid is low! I think she's really thoughtful and caring. She is very beautiful inside and out, isn't she? I'm so glad I have her as my cousin.

The sweetest cuz: Daiyana! :D
The coolest cuz: Hushy- stay cool! ;)
The funnest cuz: Haiqal. It's always nice to have a guy cousin who's near my age to talk to.
The cutest cuz: Arinah. I think you're clever too! (:
The most huggable cuz: Shireen FND. Hehe. :D
The weirdest cuz: Khaliq! AKA Garlic boy! But you're a really interesting character too.. You make my life fun :D

Yup. So that makes my list of my best cousins, in no particular order. :)

I am mad at Life

Siiigh. What's up with the world?

I'm sorry, but I have to say this.

As a senior, a senior, who is supposed to know how to carry herself in front of her juniors etc, are you supposed to do that?

Nonononono, this is not working out. I can't. I feel suppresed. I think I'm not mad about that. I'm just bitter as of now. My heart's bitter.

-blah blah blah blah-? :(

Darn, I need people who know my secret to talk to me. :(((

And I have to shoot myself for shouting at Haiqal and Arinah and Shireen. :( But, they were so noisy, and rough, and jumpy. It was night time. I couldn't stand it.

What are you doing? It's late at night for goodness sake! This is not your house! What are you doing, you tell me? Why are you all jumping around playing wrestling? I got hit just now and my head got scratched by my headband. Can you all just stop it? There are people who are trying to sleep!

Senior instinct much? I never shout at them. I tried to once, it was such a fail. But this time, I did not even laugh and I bet my face was as hard as elle's.

YES. I'm gonna call her Elle from now onwards.

But anyway, thank you for the lovely evening. I still love you, my darling cousins. :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Si tu n'étais plus la

I found a new Sheryfa Luna song to listen to over and over again! :) This one is awesome because there are a lot of those new grammar structures we learnt during French today. :) Yeah, huge test coming in two weeks! D: Must start revising already. Darn. :(

Well, back to topic! I love this song because it's like friendship, you know? Like, how will you live if the one whom you love and is like your sister leaves you because she got tired of you. :( And etc. And also, the song is just so simple! Like, it has two verses and the one chorus. And the whole song is made up those only with overlappings and blah blah blah. I like simple songs that still make you feel emotional.

But it still can't quite beat Il Avait Les Mots, though. :D

Qu'est ce que je deviendrais, qui me consolerait?
À qui je parlerais si tu n'étais plus là?
Si un jour tu t'éloignais, dis-moi ce que je ferais
Comment je survivrais, si tu n'étais plus là.
Qu'est ce que je deviendrais, qui me consolerait?
À qui je parlerais si tu n'étais plus là?
Si un jour tu t'éloignais, dis-moi ce que je ferais
Comment je survivrais, si tu n'étais plus là.

Sigh. Almost fell asleep during French class at around 4pm today. :( I was so tired. And it was only a 3-day week! :0 Glad it's Friday, though! I can finally get a decent number of hours for sleep. I can't wait for tomorrow. :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Well, Alhamdullilah the first day of Ramadan passed without any major issues. I'm glad today rained so it was cooler and it was less trying. :) Alhamdullilah. I don't know why but every first day of Ramadan is the hardest. I mean, I had never felt that hungry. And I thought I would have gotten used to it already as I had puasa-ed many times before, and recently too. But yep, today was harsh. Once again, I'm glad it rained. :)

The best thing that happened today was when Siti and I went to the maintenance room to solat. Hahaha we had to interrupt Amanda Soo Ma'am's lesson. X) Hahaha. Well, yeah. But I felt so great and refreshed after solating there. :) I'm proud of myself. It was my first time solating in school too.

Oh, you might have known that today I misplaced my contacts. I was lost in the morning. Seriously. I was frantic like -----. (Haha no vulgarities during this much blessed month. :) ) Yeah well, I had to wear my spectacles. I hated it. But hey, it was okay. I found them already! Thank God! :)

Today was a blessing in disguise.

Hahaha Jan wasted so much money on drinks. :)

To that lost, distressed girl.
Hey, cheer up! It was my fault right? I suggested it first. :( And like I said, find out if she is a liar as well. It's better to know she is a hypocrite but at the same time, not a liar. Hey, don't let her bring you down. You have a million people out there who loves you. :) It's just one person. And remember, you are doing her a favour remember? It depends on her to decide whether she wants to treasure the friendship or not. A caring friend would let you know so the both of you can clear it up and the friendship can grow and blossom even more beautifully. :) At least know I'm here for you anytime. ❤

:) And that shall conclude my day.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Call

Anis(auntie voice): Hullo? Hullo ah? -laugh laugh laugh-
Alyssa: Hello?
Anis: -laugh laugh snigger-
Alyssa: Hello? Hello?
Anis: Hu-laugh-
*Alyssa puts down phone
*Anis calls her again
Anis: Hullo?? Huh? HULLO?
Alyssa: Hello?
*Alyssa puts down phone again
*Anis calls Alyssa again.
Anis: Hello? Hi, actually I'm Audi's sister and we wanted to prank call you. Hahaha! I don't know. We were just bored.
Alyssa: Oh.
Anis: So yeah, Alyssa.. (whispered voice) Tijoe.
Alyssa: Uh, TJIOE..yeah.

It was so fail. X)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Siiiiigh.... What an accomplished day

Haha I went to the gym! :D I feel fit..kind of. I think I'm gonna visit it more often. Seriously. I gotta do something about all that flab! DDD:

Hmm... I did my Math and started my French already. That's great! But I have a lot more to do so yeah.

The highlight of the day is definitely NDP!! OMG DO YOU KNOW HOW EXCITED I WAS TO SEE ALYSSA AND AMANDA AND MISELLE AND XUAN YI? Hahahah. But I saw Miselle only! But still!! You know, that fire and pride in you when you say 'That's my friend!!' Oh, imagine how they must be feeling! Hahaha. Great job guys! You were A-W-E-S-O-M-E! :)))

I think I'm blogging too much again. Doesn't this prove how much time I spend online? And how bored I can get? And how I can never manage my time properly? Man.. Tsktsktsk. Bad ah! Heehee.

Ok, bye for today! :D


Have I told you that I had named my first daughter already? Heehee.. It is such a lovely name! It sounds Malay and yet it does not! I think it depends on the way you pronounce it. Haha I'd always wanted that kind of name. And her name has a 'rose' in it! Always wanted that kind of name too. :) Hahaha. I wonder why I am so excited for motherhood. Hmm.. Okaaay this is so weird..

But I had always wanted to feel how a mother would feel. You know? Like having a little rosy baby in your tummy, and caressing it and making sure it feels all safe and warm no matter what. Siiiigh.. :)

Hahaha. Ok bye!

As an anti-climax, I had finished my Math and am attempting to do French. -.-||

I love my cousins TTM

:) Even though we had had fights before, I still love them. You know that time I missed the family dinner? Anis tols me they were bored to bits. :0 I mean, yeah it's true. Whenever a 'member' is missing, we get bored. Isn't it nice to mean something to somebody? /:)

Can't wait to see them all!

I'm ready to talk :D

Well, I thought a nice evening out with my sister would be nice. Well, we went shopping and we bought new clothes. Hmm... I think they are nice. I especially love my new key necklace! :D I love key necklaces have I told you that? :D

Well, anyway, we were SHOPPING WITHOUT PARENTS and that was great! But I don't know if my parents are agreeable. ^_^|| I think the skirt is too short. But it is in trend!! :C

I still love the new outfit.

And also, I pranked called Alyssa. DDDDD: Hahahaha Anis and I did it. Sorry if it disturbed you or anything. I know I wasn't thinking. :/ Yep.

Okay whatever. I'm bored of this life. I haven't even started my homework. Screw you, man.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Today was kind of weird...

I thought some girl bonding time would be great, you know? But, I don't know. Feels weird. :(

And I attempted to prank call. It didn't work out. OMG. She is like so gonna be irritated. D:

Hahaha. Siiiigh. :((((((

I think it just did not live up to expectations. C'est la vie right?



I had a nice dinner :)

It was fun even though some of the food came really really sssslllloooowwww. I mean, we had laughs and etc etc etc. Hmm.. Actually I don't quite know what to write about POC Dinner. I had chicken baked rice and the mango lychee ice fruit blended. That was yummy. P:

I enjoyed the evening with our levelmates. :)

But I had to miss my own family dinner with Mama's side which comes ever so rarely. I miss Haiqal and Daiyana and Arinah and Shireen. /:( Hey! At least I'm gonna see them again next week when we break our fast at Nyai's house!! :D Yeah, Ramadan is coming!! :)

And that reminds me, what am I gonna do during RC huh? Hmm.. I don't know if I should do PT. I'm going to do punishments because most of the times I won't need water after those. But I don't know about the rest leh. Aiyoh.

I smell durian. I am fasting. Bleh.

Well, I really really really don't know what to do now. Homework? Yeah, I'll start with Math. :)

Friday, August 6, 2010


I didn't get a thing during French class. :0

And well, NDP was the worst ever.

But promos was fun. Corporals! :)

After everything was fun.

Alyssa, Miselle and I trooped to Jan's and we watched Monk! :D

I loved every minute.

< 3

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Perfect Dream

Today, during my (abnormally long) nap, I had the loveliest dream anyone could ever have. No, I am not telling. It involved the flowing of a perfect river. (Figuratively speaking.) And well, there was no enmity between blah and blah, and everyone was happy and laughing, and I did not have to choose between two sides. And then..

Okay, I think I had told too much. I broke my intent too. I just wanted to tell you I had The Perfect Dream but.. looks like I spilled.

Okay. :) Bye!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Nothing's lovelier than you

Aku berasa sungguh bimbang bagi hari esok. :( Macam mana nak report? Tak pernah sey. Alamak, crap. Sedih siol. Omg. Tak pernah ku cakap macam gitu. :0

Ok, this is weird.

Tak sabar untuk Ramadan! :D Syaitan semua 'dipenjarakan' dalam neraka buat sebulan! Yay! :) Nasib baik hari jadiku jatuh pada bulan Ramamdan. Syukur Alhamdullilah. :) Raya nanti, aku nak post gambar-gambar Hari Raya keluarga kita. :) Yay!

One secret: When you stood up to leave, I felt like going on my knees and hugging your legs so you wouldn't.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Today was awesome :D

I learnt a lot of new things. Like how Shakespeare is not really confined to one era. And I learnt how to find volume and surface area of cones! For recess, Miselle helped me do the balancing of equations. Hehe. -guilty grin- But I learnt something! I was not spoon-fed or anything. And I had a fun practical for chemistry and Siti and I were lab partners! Home Ec was the second-best because Angeline did not come so I was alone! And I pretended I was a mother and housewife and I cooked everything myself! And the best part was CE! No teacher came! D: Woah, right? So then, I just went outside with Nicole and guess what? We did FD Gold! And talked about stuff! :) It was such fun! And I became high. Oh, please pardon me if I had insulted anyone or anything. I become a little bolder when I get high.

I love FD.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

My voice is destroyed too DDD:

I hope it gets better before the school NDP. Then I can sing. Heehee. I think this year's song is really beautiful. :) I like Corrinne May's voice a lot. I think it's unique. :D

Sigh. I keep thinking that there is some homework due tomorrow that hasn't been done. DDD:

Titles can be so unnecessary at times

Hey my 'l' key is screwed so please don't mind me if an 'l' is missing.

Ok. So. FD Gold.

I passed! Yay! :D But you know what? I made an 11.11 wish after the theory paper at the eeventh second. I wished that I would pass without having to re-test anything. It came true! :D Actually, I would have wished for something else but you know, I just had to ask for this. Ok, so now for my other wish, I just have to wait for the time I actually manage to catch 11.11am.

Uhh.. Oh yeah. I think this week had been so busy and tiring. I dread reaching Sec 4. :( 2 years is not long you know? At east on Friday I had some motivation because after French I was going to Al-Falah! :D It had been a looong time since I'd been to a mosque. Then they have some ceramah on the Malam Lailatul Qad'r. And after that we went to the Adam Rd food court there for dinner. At 9pm. Can you imagine? Me still in my school clothes. D:

To make a long story short, it has been a long week. Or maybe I shoud say short? Before I know it, the year would be over. D: