Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Today was a horrible day. I was emo. Siti did not come. My plan was ruined since unexpected things happened. (But can still wait for next week. > :D) But it was better during recess! :) I mean, we played that Tarzan game thing. Muahaha! I WON! :D

Whatever, bottomline is that my levelmates cheer me up so much. (: And I love them. Despite anything. Hear that? I. LOVE. YOU.

Today was a horrid day so I wasn't much fun during lessons. I think the best joke I did today was weird. I found it funny though. You won't, trust me.

Me: Carlyn, do you smell my perfume?
C: Uh, no.
Me: Oh. Ok. So it means I'll have to use the whole bottle lah.
And then I started laughing uncontrollably.

Sigh. Primary school kids get a 2-freaking-day holiday. Hmph. > :( Yep. PSLE tomorrow, eh? Haha. I remember MY PSLE oral. Well, it's Anis' turn tomorrow! She's having her Malay first. In my Multiply blog, my posts on PSLE oral were FAKE and GAY. Seriously. SO FAKE.

I hate my life.

Sorry if I snapped at you today or whatever. I recall saying 'get lost' and 'go away' and 'can you stop it' and 'leave me alone, lah puhlease' to some people. :(

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