Sunday, August 8, 2010

I had a nice dinner :)

It was fun even though some of the food came really really sssslllloooowwww. I mean, we had laughs and etc etc etc. Hmm.. Actually I don't quite know what to write about POC Dinner. I had chicken baked rice and the mango lychee ice fruit blended. That was yummy. P:

I enjoyed the evening with our levelmates. :)

But I had to miss my own family dinner with Mama's side which comes ever so rarely. I miss Haiqal and Daiyana and Arinah and Shireen. /:( Hey! At least I'm gonna see them again next week when we break our fast at Nyai's house!! :D Yeah, Ramadan is coming!! :)

And that reminds me, what am I gonna do during RC huh? Hmm.. I don't know if I should do PT. I'm going to do punishments because most of the times I won't need water after those. But I don't know about the rest leh. Aiyoh.

I smell durian. I am fasting. Bleh.

Well, I really really really don't know what to do now. Homework? Yeah, I'll start with Math. :)

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