Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Well, Alhamdullilah the first day of Ramadan passed without any major issues. I'm glad today rained so it was cooler and it was less trying. :) Alhamdullilah. I don't know why but every first day of Ramadan is the hardest. I mean, I had never felt that hungry. And I thought I would have gotten used to it already as I had puasa-ed many times before, and recently too. But yep, today was harsh. Once again, I'm glad it rained. :)

The best thing that happened today was when Siti and I went to the maintenance room to solat. Hahaha we had to interrupt Amanda Soo Ma'am's lesson. X) Hahaha. Well, yeah. But I felt so great and refreshed after solating there. :) I'm proud of myself. It was my first time solating in school too.

Oh, you might have known that today I misplaced my contacts. I was lost in the morning. Seriously. I was frantic like -----. (Haha no vulgarities during this much blessed month. :) ) Yeah well, I had to wear my spectacles. I hated it. But hey, it was okay. I found them already! Thank God! :)

Today was a blessing in disguise.

Hahaha Jan wasted so much money on drinks. :)

To that lost, distressed girl.
Hey, cheer up! It was my fault right? I suggested it first. :( And like I said, find out if she is a liar as well. It's better to know she is a hypocrite but at the same time, not a liar. Hey, don't let her bring you down. You have a million people out there who loves you. :) It's just one person. And remember, you are doing her a favour remember? It depends on her to decide whether she wants to treasure the friendship or not. A caring friend would let you know so the both of you can clear it up and the friendship can grow and blossom even more beautifully. :) At least know I'm here for you anytime. ❤

:) And that shall conclude my day.

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