Monday, August 30, 2010


Today was undeniably an awesome awesome awesome day. I don't know how to put it.. Hmm.. Ok. Wait, first. I AM OFFICIALLY 14!! Not like I'm too excited to be 14, but. Hmm..



is all I can type for the time being. Heeheehee. Ok.

Thank you to darling darling Anis for the beautiful beautiful ancient-looking Parisienne notebook that looks more like an adventure logbook!! :)) AHHH I LOVE IT SO MUCH DAMMIT. :DD And the card! :)

Thanks Adani to your really unlame gift even though you got it from the bookshop! :) It's cute, just like you! Love you lots!

Thanks a LOT to Mama and Papa for the yummy chocolate cake(!!) and the earpieces! I love them so much! I love you I love you I love you!

Thank you to Hushy, Wak Za, Nyai, Aunty Ju and all other family members for their wishes. ((:


Alyssa: AHH THANK YOU THANK YOU for the Video!! It was LOVELY! And AWESOME! Hahaha maybe I should post it up here, on FB, etc. ;) And, hmm, the small jar of nature? Heh. :) I LOVE YOU! Thank you for the text though you couldn't stay up till 12. (:

Amanda: THANK YOU FOR the POST-ITS. HAHAHA. THEY WERE FRANC-Y. AND I FEEL SO HIGH BECAUSE OF IT. AHHH!! And, yesss the pretty pretty card and the little pink shoe! Do you think it'll fit my doll? (: Love you lots, hubby! Heh heh. (:

Carls: HAHAHAHA I LOVE TIMTAM. :)) I really am not disappointed that you did not get me those earrings. Honest! Thanks so much anyway, awesome deskie! We are so gonna stay friends forever.

Jan: I LOVE the notebook! And the lovely rose card! And the yummy yummy brownie! Hahahaha!! I loved everything!! Thank you thank you too for getting/understanding ME! :)) I LOVE YOU!! :)))Jan, of COURSE we'll stay friends till the end of time and way past that. (Do I make sense? :P) And thanks for the text! :)

Miselle: HAHAHA YOU FORGOT MY GIFT TOO! XDD Nah, it's okay! :) And, by doing that, you helped me a LOT. I had a lot to bring home. :X Heehee. I love you too! :) Stay awesome! Edited: THANK YOU FOR THE PARIS NOTEBOOK AND PEN!! :)))) Love you lots! :D

Mei Lin: Thank you loads for the KitKat! Hahahaha are you trying to fatten me up? :0 I missed being your deskie too! DD: Love ya!

Nicci: Hey!! :) I love that card! Despite what you call a fail attempt at drawing the Eiffel Tower, I think it's beautiful. :) Carlyn says you are very creative. I can't (ok I can) agree more. And, I really love the message. :)) Yeah. Why should I let something like that end everything? :)

Nicole: NICOLE! Thank you lots for the bag of chocolates!! :DD I haven't eaten them yet, but they look terribly delicious. P: Thank you so much, Nicole. I LOVE YOU! You're gonna make me fat with all that confectionery!! And thank you for the text!

Nicolette: Nico! THANK YOU FOR THE AWESOME NOTEBOOK! :DD IT'S BEAUTIFUL! And OMG the post-its! They are so KIUTE! :DD AND THE LETTER/NOTE! :) Thanks a lot! I love everything! :) And, I can keep secrets. I won't show it or whatever. ;)

Siti: Thank you so so so so so so MUCH for the super, ultra cute little cat design litter bin! :))) AHHH!!! It's so cute!!!! :))) And the card! And please thank your sister for me for that little note from her. :) I LOVE YOU LOTS!! :)

Xuan Yi: Thank you for the text at 12 am sharp! WOW! :)) That's nice of you! Heehee... Yep, thanks so much yes? LOVE YOU LOTS!

Yep, and finally, everyone who wrote on my wall on Facebook. Yes, duh I liked every wish and commented. It's only courteous of me if I do that. Heehee. I know. Chem chem chem. Chem can go.. wherever it wants to go. > :(

Hmm... Yess. I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF TODAY! I. LOVED. IT. It's really a beautiful thing to know that you are indeed loved. It's even more beautiful to feel the showers. Hurh hurh hurh. (: Yes. I know. I like attention. Whoops.

Anyway, I loved everything! Thank you for making today such a special day, and the BEST birthday ever! (It is seriously better than the spastic 7th birthday party I had.) Yeah. It was the best birthday ever.

Wait wait wait, most of all, thank you Allah for letting me live another year. And letting me know the value of friendship and love. I had never felt more loved. (:

I'm so high. I'm drunk on this joy! AHHHH!!!


See the words in caps plus all the exclamation marks? How often do I do that? So, please infer. How intense are my feelings? ;)

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