Monday, May 31, 2010


Don't know what to think? What to feel?


Somehow sometimes you scare the hell outta me.


To SITI: 27 May

To NICO: 31 May

To ARYAN: 1 June


Well, that looks very plain but I don't know why my page can't type coloured words. Makes no sense, I know. But well, um.

It's pretty...ironic?

2 of those birthdays are ones that prove the leaving of childhood, steps into adolescence. Then there's the celebration of chubby youth. And then, there's that cherishing of each lucky year that passes by, trying to grasp every last moment one has on Earth.

And lastly, even though I know this is a post to celebrate the adding of 1 to an age, I still do know that in the end, one has to expire. Therefore, the passing of not only a year, but of a person. A death. Oh trust me, I know.

One year.

Mmm... Oreos are actually nice

Wah lucky my sister bought some Oreos so I can steal some from her. I am too bored someone help me PLEASE!!

Oh dear, Oreos are gone.

One year ago, you weren't.


No bananas?!?!?!?!?! SO WHAT AM I EXPECTED TO SNACK ON?!


OH I KNOW! Lemon honey Hacks, maybe? I hope I still have some left...



:( The holidays suck.

Can't wait for the sleepovers and vacations. Siiiigh.

One more day and I didn't know it...


The holidays are seriously boring. On Facebook, no one's online. Same for MSN. And at Mall World, nobody's buying anything. And it's so hard to earn money some more.

And then at home I walk to the fridge, open it, and what do I see? Almost nothing. No chocolates, no sweets, and the only things I see in the freezer are some horrible chocolate ice-cream and instant prata, lasagna, etc. Which I do not feel like eating. Why can't there be cookies and cream ice-cream? There's nothing to stuff myself with. :( I must seriously go and stock up.

Well, let's see if there are any fruits. I think there are some bananas somewhere...

One more day

Stop hurting me lah

You already headbutted my nose, scratched my left hand, kicked me in the back and punched me on my arm. Oh and don't forget sticking out your tongue numerous times.

My left hand still stings. My nose aches if I press on it. I think Coco's scratches hurt less. And she has sharp claws.

And then I can't retaliate. You will always cry. I can't pull your hair, nor smack you on your tummy, nor give you a wedgie.

This is exactly why I hate brothers.

One day to go before you...

Sunday, May 30, 2010


You know I'm getting so sick of seeing those super unfamiliar Chinese characters on Facebook so I just decided to translate using a translator and I feel so amused now. Haha it's so fun knowing the meanings. Now I know haha would look like 哈哈 after seeing it twice. :D

Gonna go search for more Chinese characters. OH! I know! There are some who blog in Chinese! I shall go translate that into English now. Hehehe ok bye! :D SO FUN!

Admit it. You play with dolls too.

Barbie dolls are fun. You can make up any stories with them. You can style their hair anyawy you want and make them have a wedding so you can also make a pretty wedding gown out of any cloth you find. So you see, Barbie dolls toy with your imagination. (Haha, get it? Toy? Dolls are toys? The..Argh forget it.) But lately, I've never had time to play. So the holidays will be a great time to catch up with them! :D

But this whole week Anis has school so she can't stay up late to play dolls with me. :/ Siiiiigh.

Never mind! If I play by myself, then I can control the whole story and no one else may change the storyline! Yay! I should go and play now before I get tired. Anyway, it's very rare to complete a story properly. Usually we just leave it hanging and forget it. So.. let's just hope that the June holidays bear fruit to something. :)

I feel like showing you my pretty purple wedges

They are too perfect. I can't wait for a special occassion to come so I can wear them in public.

Heh heh. I think I'll show a picture soon. Okay. :P BYE! :)

And then I realised that I am very fortunate indeed

Today, Papa told me to mengaji after solat-ing Maghrib. I intended to go blogging or play Mall World after finishing my solat. So I was pretty irritated that Papa told me what he wanted me to do. I said I'd rather read my English Quran than the original one in Arabic but no, I couldn't change his mind.

And when I read the first Surah (I was surprised that I could still remember how to read), I heard how melodious it sounded. How lovely and beautiful all the words sounded together. Even prettier than the best song on Earth.

Then I felt a lump in my throat. It was too perfect. I couldn't believe that I had wanted to escape from reading. My voice became a small bit shaky; you could hear it if you listen carefully. I was trying to get rid of the lump.

But no matter how had I tried, I could hear the unstability of my voice as I read the second, the third, up till the sixth and last Surah that I read.

Honestly, I felt guilty for denying the beauty of Islam. There it was, the truth was plain obvious. I could hear it for myself.


Also, we have to pray 5 times a day. Each time lasts less than 10 minutes long. That's only 50 minutes out of 24 hours. That's not too much. So why can't I fulfil that?

One year ago, Yai was still alive.

Durian is the bestest fruit ever

Don't you agree? It's so yummy and delicious and thick. :)

Yay! Later we're going for a swim! I think I better go find my goggles now. I have no idea where I put them. And can I swim with my contacts on? :S

I don't care what people say
The rush is worth the price I pay
I get so high when you're with me
But crash and crave you when you leave

One year ago, Yai was still alive.


After yesterday, I was bound to be tired. And after that need to go to Nenek and Yai's house some more since Aryan's birthday and Nenek's birthday is just round the corner. (1st and 2nd June!! Argh! Must go and buy Aryan's present already!!)

And well, I was practically falling asleep at the dinner table. And since I had no mood to use my hands, I used the fork and spoon (Where's the fork n spoon? Say that super fast and listen to what you say ;) ). And my hands were so weak and just dragged the cutlery across the plate. And I couldn't bother to reach out to get some soup.

Then, the birthday cake. It was not that bad considering the fact that I had grown out of chocolate cake that's not moist and velvety. And it was a carebear design. And it was nice, I guess.

One year ago, Yai was still alive.

Answer: Yes

Don't you just hate it when you feel like an outsider?

Saturday, May 29, 2010


I thank my lucky stars that I have a sister with whom I can act as stupid/dumb/egoistic/crazy/selfish/mean/etc with as possible. Or else, who would play Mall World with me? Or Barbie dolls? Or Haunted House? Or dress-up?

And today at OA, while pitching the tent, I felt this atmosphere somehow; this sisterly atmosphere between all of us. Me, Jan, Nicci, Kimmy, Nico and Jayasree. And even though they claimed to not feel it, I just felt happy and light and carefree though the weather was sweltering. The working-togetherness and all. And then I felt love for every single one of them.

And once again, I thank my lucky stars that I have many sisters.

Friday, May 28, 2010

I do not know if today was a good day or not :/

Well, for dinner today we went to Northpoint! And ate at some place called BBQ Chicken. Their slogan was 'It's not barbeque chicken, it's BBQ Chicken'. X)

And well, at first, Anis and I ordered the cream pasta with chicken cutlet but a few minutes after the order was made, the waitress came back saying that it was sold out! And she said sorry for not informing us earlier. And I was very irritated for a while because I was so terribly hungry then. So I took the other available cream pasta dish, the one with mushroom and chicken strips. Plus Mama asked for one plate of chicken cutlets to make up for the lost ones. And the waitress said sorry again, and again, and again. But of course by that time I lost all my grudge since it was sincere so what for should I stay mad? Plus, after we were done eating and were leaving, the waitress came one more time and apologised yet again. I was getting pretty annoyed but in a good way. She is a vey good person. And that's what I call good service, or maybe just good character. :)

And well, the food came pretty quick, I guess. And it was so yummy! Like, the cream was so creamy and the chicken was nice and crispy and you get it, right? /:) P:

After the meal, we were, you know, just chilling out at the table to 'cool off' after dinner, as always. And then Aryan misbehaved again like always. You do not wanna know what he did. Well, I'm still gonna tell. He licked the glass wall! And it was so eewish and eww can you imagine that? I mean don't you pity the next person who rests his/her head there?! But Mama cleaned the part with a wet tissue and yeah.

And you know those type of tables with cushion seats, like diner-style? So the seats of one table is joined to the seats of anaother table? Yeah, Aryan went over the seat to the other table. And when Mama pulled him back, he rolled over the seat. And the sight of him doing that was just so very hilarious and I kept laughing and laughing and laughing till I felt this warm ache in my stomache.

After that, we went walking around then Adani said she wanted an ice-cream and I looked at her irritably because how can she think of ice-cream amidst all this fullness?! So we walked to Mcdonald's but along the way I saw this shoe sale and if you know me, I get attracted so much to these kind of things. And if you know me, I've been trying to find a pair of purple shoes wedge-style since a million years ago to complete my pretty purple outfit. And you can guess what happened next, I came across one pair of those. And it was sitting there so invitingly, so seductively. And I just had to try those, get my drift? And it looked so purty. And in the end, I left with them. (After paying of course.) Oh my gosh, thank you so much Mama! It was the happiest event of the week!

Then we went to the Body Shop because Mama needed to buy some body soap and stuff. And Anis and I saw a display for lip balms and we tried the Pink Guava one and we fell in love with it almost immediately. And anyway, I have dry lips. And yes, that got purchased too! And it was in a lovely paper bag with English and FRENCH on it! :D Wasn't it a really lovely day?

I love my shoes, and I love the lip balm, and I love the French paper bag, and I love the subscription to TV5 Monde. And I really do love my family, and Mama, and Papa, and Anis, and Adani, and Aryan, and Coco, and I am just terribly sorry if I were mean ever, and that was just my moods and not hatred at all.

But then, my warm fuzzy feelings in me dimmed when I saw those SMSes, which unfortunately reminded me of whatever else was going on while I was living in bliss. And I felt my heart drop.


How do I live?! But, honestly, I do not want French class this time round because I do not want to see my horrendous marks for Côntrole 2. (Is that the way to spell it?)


Papa subscribed to TV5 Monde!! YAY!! :D

I can submerge myself with French if I get bored! Whoopee! :DDD
I don't think I hate my mother. I think it's just because of what's happening now. Like seriously. Can I rant here? To tell people how I feel. To make them understand me. See my thoughts. Can I?

But still, I can't. Sigh. And I don't think I ever will. I do admire how some people can just state their thoughts on their blogs without batting an eyelid. I admire how they do not care about what other people think of them. I admire how they can still survive without other people.

I really do admire it all.

Just because of a stupid bloody ice-cream that i do not want to take for you because i wanted to study

you called me hopeless.

so you want me to use the laptop all freaking day and leave homework and revision to the last sunday of the holidays. you want that to happen, huh? well, fine. now, i am. see if i want to do homework anymore.

nah, i still will do homework, as a form of REBELLION. and i will NOT clean tables, wash plates, or whatever. i will study.

and cant you ask anis to take the bloody ice cream instead? isnt she the one whos slacking and doesnt have anything better to do? you want me to sacrifice my study time, a period which i rarely feel the mood to be in. so you want me to stop studying for an effing chocolate ice-cream.

'oh, i dont want to ask your sister. shes hopeless.'

i am hopeless? say that again. hopeless? all this while, who had been getting into a good school for you? not failing anything in primary school? getting top in hmt for sec 1? hopeless? say that again lah. say that and think properly. so anis is not hopeless. she who had been getting 30/100 for math time and time and time again.

nice. thanks so much for wonderfully calling me hopeless.

im glad i retaliated. 'is that the way you talk to your mother?' no, is that the way you talk to me? you want you to be respected, go respect other people first. like as if you support me or console me whenever i try to rant to you anyway. instead, you say that i should talk about them graciously. what kind of shitty people say nice things about people who insult their life. who? tell me? i dont know.

maybe you.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

cant keep my titles normal no more

its bad. something bads happening. no way man. no freaking way. hw can it interlock like that? weirddddddddd. no bloody way. its a- well never mind. i shant go here to rant. no way. then, it will get worse. i shall...... just let it out. somewehere, somehow.

hence, ilovelifenotreally

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


And part of me still believes when you say you're gonna stick around
And part of me still believes we can find a way to work this out
But I know that we've tried everything we could try
So let's just say goodbye


I don't know why. I do not know why I feel like this suddenly. Come on, it's just. Ya, just.

Or maybe. Maybe.

I am getting my YKW soon.



I'm so tired. Just came back from a shopping spree. :D But seeing all that money go... Man... That broke my heart. But at least I could use the $10 vouchers at Popular. Now we have $45 worth left. :0

Anyway, I do love giving gifts.

And, well. That's all. But there was Physics SPA today. I hope I did okay. :L

That's it. Haha.

-Awkward moment-

(Dammit I hate awkward moments.)

And ya, that's it.

And I seem to be saying dammit a lot nowadays. :0 :L

Monday, May 24, 2010

I just had the best dinner at home ever

I had a very unexpected early dinner today. Well, at least I would not consider steak as an everyday meal. P:

With potato wedges, and mushroom soup, and baked beans, and salad. It was delicious. But at first my meat was medium-rare. And well at first it was nice but then it became unnice because I can't stand eating raw stuff. So then Mama cooked it a bit more and it was well-done. Haha, get it? Well-done? And she did it well...? Ah, forget it.

And to round it all up, some yummy Indian rojak.


And I shall go back to my homework now.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Argh! My life sucks

Academically, I mean. Too much freaking homework. :( Sigh. Siiiiigh. Siiiiiiiiiiiigh. :(((((((((((((


THERE'S AN OUTSIDER!!!! >:(((((((((((( YEAH ONE WHO INSULTS AND HATES RC TOO, SAYING IT'S FOR UNTALENTED PEOPLE. I am shaking with anger/disbelief/fury. HMPH. >:((((((((((((

But, as Lyssy says, technically, we'e too talented to be in anything else. How else do you explain us juggling 6 extra subjects plus winning arts fest plus extra activities? All taken from Lyssy.

Forward SCRCY!!

Taken from Mandy.


My Immortal

When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears
And I'd held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me


I'm rushing my homework

What can I say? I suck at time management.

And I officially hate Little Anne. It didn't seem to co-operate with me yesterday. Why can't your unbloody mouth open?!?!?! And why can't you be more like your siblings at the Red Cross HQ huh?! They were very kind, unlike you. Go do CPR on yourself, Little Anne.

Friday, May 21, 2010



Pure awesomeness, yes? :DDDDDDDDDDDDD

Fading Injuries

My ankle cut is healing. It's now a scab. And it's you know, doing what scabs do, peel away. Yes, it's healing. Returning to normal. But it's still there, not fully healed yet. If I force the scab to peel and go away, though, it will hurt. If you have a brain, you'll know what I'm talking about, what I'm referring this ex-cut to.

And OMG. Today after we reached school after the Amazing Race thing, gosh something 'awesome' happened. Well, me and Jan (I do not think I care about using Jan and I ler) were walking to the lobby. And we saw Ruth ma'am who said hi to Jan and I was like 'She didn't say hi to me!! D:' and Jan, oh my freak told Ruth ma'am that 'Audi wants a hi too!' AND LO AND BEHOLD Ruth ma'am came along and said yo whassup WITH A SUPER HARD BLOW TO MY LEFT ARM!! And I was like 'HUH?! OUCH?!' And Jan MUST demonstrate how it was done by hitting me repeatedly on the same spot!! Like seriously! Gosh! Ouch, kay? -.- And guess what! Ruth ma'am is in Foxy Loxy for June camp, like me! :000

Let's just hope she doesn't do it again.

Oh and by the way

Meekakitty is awesome too! ^^ She's sooo cute.

Don't wanna talk much

Um, reading 'That Summer' now. Um, just finished enrichments- Malay Film Appreciation and Amazing race @ Marina Barrage. It was okay. Except that the film thing was very... Well, we got to eat chips while watching the movie. And I ate too much for an empty stomach. Got a headache. Since it's salty so it's dehydrating. And I had the French test after that. Did it with a headache. Ouch. But something good happened! :D -Ego moment, k?- Madame Pang told me that she wished the other students would read like me! :) Hahaha. Probably because it was a 95% boys class and me and Sharlotte (is that how I spell it?) were the only girls there. And she was from Friday class too so we became friends, I guess? And I'm tryna say that the boys may have read horrible. But I guess I screwed up my actual written test so... :( And who knows soon some people might tell me that Madame Pang thought their reading was good too and I was not really one of the best readers. :(

Damn it I suck.

Oh. I am supposed to be happy?

'Cause a blunt knife just stabbed me in the back.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Can you believe it?

I am in love with 'Truly, Madly, Deeply'. It's such an old song. But so easy to sing and pleasant to the ears. :)

I wanna stand with you on a mountain
I wanna bathe with you in the sea
I wanna stay this way forever
Until the sky falls down on me

Simply Lovely :)

I told you so

See, I TOLD you I do NOT keep long grudges. Sheesh, the nerve of some people.

Oh did I say I was going to do homework? Uh... About that... Youmusthavereadwronglykbye.

I made a new friend today ^^

I feel lazy to blog. Blog later, yes?

Time to do homework! I feel like doing homework!

OMG that is such a change!! Feel lazy to blog but enthusiastic to do homework!!

For the first time evar!


Three cheers for this rare phenomena!

Hip hip hooray! x3


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I like good puns and jokes

And one of my primary school friends can tell good puns and jokes. ^^ That's why I like reading his statuses on Facebook. Hmm... I'll give you some examples. Heeheehee.

1. Once upon a time there were two muffins in the microwave. Suddenly, one of the muffins says, "Man it's hot in here!!!!" The other muffin exclaims, "Look, a talking muffin!!!!"

2. Some people reach the top of the ladder of success- only to find it is
leaning against the wrong wall.

3. How do you keep an idiot waiting? I will tell you later.

4. The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

5. Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

6. Be nice to your kids. They'll choose your nursing home.

7. Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now.

8. What do you call a country where everyone drives a red car? A red carnation.

^^ Had a good laugh?


You tryna rub it in? Huh?

Lock & Key

"But sometimes, we just have to be happy with what people can offer us. Even if it's not what we want, at least it's something. You know?"


"You know," Olivia said, "it's pretty rare to find someone you actually like to be with in this world. There are a lot of annoying people out there."


Later, up in my room, I kept thinking about this, the idea of distance and accomplishment. The further you go, the more you have to be proud of. At the same time, in order to come a long way, you have to be behind to begin with. In the end, though, maybe it's not how you reach a place that matters. Just that you get there at all.


Watching them, I thought again of how we can't expect everybody to be there for us, all at once. So it's a lucky thing that really, all you need is someone.


What is family? They were the people who claimed ypu. In good, in bad, in parts or in whole, they were the ones who showed up, who stayed there, regardless. It wasn't just about blood relations or shared chromosomes, but something wider, bigger. Cora was right- we had many families over time. Our family of origin, the family we created, as well as the groups you moved through while all of this was happening: friends, lovers, sometimes even strangers. None of them were perfect, and we couldn't expect them to be. You couldn't make any one person your world. The trick was to take what each could give you and build a world from it.


Coco Chanel must be very confused by now

Mama calls her Chanel.

Anis calls her Nelly.

Papa calls her Coco and one other name I won't try to spell out.

Adani and Aryan call her Coco too.

And I call her CoChannel. (Like the tv channel)

CoChannel! CoChannel! CoChannel is such a cute name. ^^

Mulan 2 is awesome

It's so funny and hilarious and ew why is my sister walking around in her underwear?!?!

And this is my favourite pun between Ling and Princess Ting Ting. :D

Ling: Hi! My name is Ling.
Ting Ting: And I am Princess Ting Ting.
Ling: Well, if you need me, you can always give me a ting-a-ling!

Hee hee hee!! :D

I'll never get tired of watching this. And I thank Jan for telling me there would be Mulan 2 at 2pm. ^^ Yay! Back to watching! May I forget about homework, please? For just one moment? Pretty pretty please? /:)

No escorts, no manners, no nursemaids, no worries, no hands folded perfect, like holding a lily.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


She is right. It gets really hot at night with long-sleeved PJs. :L

Out From Under

I don't wanna dream about
All the things that never were
And maybe I can live without
When I'm out from under

And I don't wanna feel the pain
What good would it do me now?
I'll get it all figured out
When I'm out from under

Britney Spears


Guy: Ah, adik. Nak gula-gula tak?
Guy: Hey little girl. Do you want some candy?
Little girl: Tak nak lah.
Little girl: I don't want lah.
G: Alah, ambik lah.
G: Come on, take it.
LG: Tak nak!
LG: I don't want!
G: Ah, kalau abang ambik adik jalan-jalan, nak tak?
G: Ah, what if I take you for a walk?
LG: Kalau orang cakap tak nak, tak nak lah! Jangan kacau!
LG: When I say I don't want, it means I don't want! Stop disturbing me!
G: Eeeeh! Sini kau!
G: Eeeeh! Come here, you!
LG: AAAHH!! Mak, tolong! Tolong!
LG: AAAHH!! Mummy, help me help me!
Commentary: Ajar anak menjerit! Bila diganggu orang tak dikenali!
C: Teach your child to shout! When disturbed by strangers!
C: Ajar anak menggigit! Untuk menyelamatkan diri!
C: Teach your child to bite! To protect oneself!
LG: Mak tolong!
LG: Help me, mother!
LG: Kawan-kawan, kita mesti pandai jaga diri! Jangan main sorang-sorang. Jangan cakap dengan orang tidak dikenali. Ingat!
LG: Friends, we must know how to protect ourselves! Do not play alone. Do not talk to strangers. Remember!

I can't stop watching the utter cuteness. :D

Cutest vid evar!

Though it's in Malay since it is of Malaysian production, it basically teaches you how to deal with attempted kidnappings. Who knows, this knowledge might come in handy during this current situation?

It's simply oozing with cuteness. Hee hee hee! Epic face at :10!

Never ever ever trust electronic erasers

Well, today Anis showed me her letter to parents that she apparently modified. Using an electronic erasers.

Now it says, "Thank you for your support and operation in improving your child's ducation."

Wow. There are holes in the paper now because of the new wonderful invention of electronic erasers that have some brushing thingy and will go zzzzzzzzt.

So, electronic erasers not only cost so much money since batteries are needed etc etc etc they make holes too.

Yup. Ooh! I can see the relation of these kind of erasers with people! You know, those tigers behind masks kind of thing. Seem sincere and trustworthy, but are actually not. Yeah.

My life is figurative. And I like it that way.


I love my rant blog TTM. :) I can be just frank with it, you know? And no one else will know all those secrets. >:)

Not like this blog, which I feel sometimes can be pretty superficial. Now I know why secret blogs are very well... secretive.

Oh my goodness. I feel like a sadist.

Janganlah terasa sangat -.-

I am the kind that you know, does not like to bear grudges over something that's past. So, come on. I said sorry, you accept the apology. There! Over and done with. Oh, and don't forget start (almost) anew. Forgive and don't forget is fine with me. But forgive and prolong is not. Ok, so you may not be prolonging it. But you seem to be doing that. So please please please!

Hmm... This issue says that it feels more at home at the other blog. And it says to try drinking chocolate milk because it thinks it is absolutely yummy.

My spider senses tell me the June hols will be... different

There will be tons of homework.

There will be a kenduri for Yai and we will have a sleepover at Nyai's house. :))

I want to have a sleepover at Hushy's house.

Maybe, just maybe, Papa will let me go to her sleepover too.

And, most of all.

June camp will be one of a kind.

Snickers FTW

I don't dare to look... in case I see.

Lock and Key

It's a really nice book. Here are some more snippets that I find very... relevant.


"She was so afraid of being alone, of you leaving, too, that she never gave you the chance. Until this year, when she knew that you'd be turning eighteen, and you could, and most likely would. So what did she do?"

"Stop it," I said.

"She left you," she finished. "Left you alone, in that filthy house, before you could do the same to her."


"You have a big family," I told her.

"True," she agreed. "And there are times I've wished otherwise, if only because the more people you have, the more likely someone won't get along with someone else. The potential for conflict is always there."

"That happens in small families, too, though," I said.

"Yes," she said, looking at me. "It certainly does."

"Do you know who these people are, still?" I asked.

"Oh, yes," she said. "Every one."


"Everyone's busy," Nate said.

"I know. I think she's really just scared."

He glanced over at me. "Scared? Of Reggie? What, she thinks he might force her to give up caffeine for real or something?"

"No," I said.

"Of what, then?" he asked.

I paused, only just now realising that the subject was hitting a little close to home. "You know, getting hurt. Putting herself out there, opening up to someone."

"Yeah," he said, adding some cheese straws to the cart, "but risk is just part of relationships. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't."

I picked up a box of cheeese straws, examining it. "Yeah," I said. "But it's not all about chance, either."


She sat back, brushing her braids away from her face. "My point is, there are a lot of people in the world. No one ever sees anything the same way you do; it just doesn't happen. So when you you find someone who gets a couple of things, especially if they're important ones... you might as well hold on to them. You know?"


Yeah, I know.

I shall try to keep my mind of things for a moment

Well, today is kind of a productive day, I guess. I finished all the Math online work, now all that's left is the graph work. Oh shiz, I forgot to bring my graph pad home. Great. >:L

Anyway, I will do the Geog essay. Then probably do the rest of French on-line excercises. :S And then start planning my karangan naratif. The question or topic is 'Despite the bitterness of the truth, it must be known'. I can think a lot for that, huh?

Then I should call up my group members to discuss the e-learning projects. Sigh.

Monday, May 17, 2010


I do not know what to say/do/think/eat because it's so very confusing. Like a tsunami. I'd honestly rather do a million French tests than suffer this agony. I feel like dying. Life is almost pointless. But then I know I can never ever ever ever bring myself to jump down because 1) I am scared of death and 2) I am scared of heights.

Figuratively Speaking

The post below is true, but applies to me so much too, you know. It's not just some random injury I got.

A sign from God. :0

Will the cut heal?

Will the bitterness heal?


My ankle still hurts. The cut from yesterday actually hurt more after a few hours than the first hour. Why does it take so long for the pain to sink in? I decided to take my plaster off because I need to take my wuduk right? And now it just stings, hurts, and stings some more whenever I take showers or wuduk. And it bled again today. My sock is stained with a little blood. :(

The skin is still hanging loosely there. But whenever I try to pull it away, or cut it off gently with a nail-clipper, it refuses to let go and just stays there, and my ankle hurts even more because of the efforts to get rid of it.

When will it heal? When will it stop affecting me? When?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

What goes around comes around

Title self-explanatory.

Not high anymore

I feel horrible now. I am a bloody horrible person. I am a bitch. How can I toy around with people like this? Only bitches do that. Yeah, meaning I am a bitch. Made myself look like a fool. And I am, anyway. What? Do I honestly think everything revolves around me? I must be a foolish bitch to think that way. I've never been this bitchy before, I swear. Bitch bitch bitch. Oh no.


Oh FGS I posted all those statuses and blog posts before I saw that post on QOF and before I texted Miselle to know the truth and stuff so really, they are not my replies or responses to all those. They're replies to my angst, my heart. Oh darn, that sounds way too cliché. Heeheehee...

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is. I was not talking about QOF. I was talking about feeling bad about making Miselle feel pissed. Clearer now?

Eh, but in a way, it's ALL linked. Oh no. Seriously, everyone hates me now. Sigh.

I'm high now so don't blame me if this post makes you mad

It's so hilarious when I see the stuff that makes you feel sad. I laugh when you are angry and mad and upset or whatever with what's happening now. Like seriously. It is because everything's going the way the evil side of me had planned. :D

And seeing people tryna assure me etc etc etc. I laugh man. It's so hilarious. I feel like a puppeteer controlling the puppets. Seeing what actions they'll do whenever I pull different strings. And being entertained at the different moves and outcomes.

And yet, I feel guilty because it seems all the problems stemmed from my over-sensitivity and over-jealousy and stuff.

But it makes me laugh because maybe I was just pretending a teeny weeny bit and not too serious about the matter. Though I actually am. But still am not. Oh dear, I'm not making too much sense am I?

That's because I'M HIGH.

After tasting delicious milk prata yesterday(prata cooked with condensed milk) and eating nasi ambeng for lunch and dinner today, why shouldn't I be? :D

Life is weird/funny/sad and still damn hilarious.


Great. Now everyone is angry with me. Just perfect. :(

I touched and I was burnt

Sitting on the bed, nursing a bleeding ankle while singing Thinking of You to prove that I can sing high.


But I feel guilty now. :(

Hurh hurh hurh

I feel happy and satisfied now for all the wrong reasons.

Not enough

Saw something and now I need to talk with Jan again...badly.

Must be her ALL the time. MUST be her. I am seriously getting damn sick of it.

Pendant une heure

Hehehe... I was talking to Jan for a full hour just now. It was so fun. It was the exact definition of bonding- as a friend, a levelmate, etc etc etc. And late at night too. I am just so very very very glad she exists. Or I would not know what to do. We just talked and gossiped and ranted about everything and anything that one would and would not want to know. :D I'm still so very very very glad Jan exists.

Mama and Papa, LET ME GO.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pendant tout ce temps

I think I hate you. I don't know. Hmm... I used to be so like that like that with you but things..changed? Hmm... Whatever. I feel like screaming the way Bella did. Tortured.

I shall go make Mama and Papa change their minds and let me go pretty pretty please. I want my June hols to be different. You said that I must go and enjoy every minute of my sec school life. I am trying to now, and you are not allowing me to? >:(

No matter what I do, I can't get myself to stop. Why am I feeling like this?


It's the second time it happened. I wish I had someone to talk to and understand my feelings.


Today must be another fruitful day

I've finished my French homework. Now I shall start my Physics, Math, and Tic-Tac-Toe part 3. And finish at least the first 2 stuff by 3pm. Ok, I'll start with Math. Ok. And if I finish my work earlier, I will go and watch New Moon. :)))))

Friday, May 14, 2010

T'was A Fruitful Day

This morning I prayed to Allah to give me strength to get through the day alive because I slept so so so late on Thursday and was so so so tired when I woke up (late) at around 5.45am. And thus, I knew I would be 3/4 asleep during all the classes. So I decided in the morning to just leave it all to God, plus begged Him to just make the day decent and liveable if not exceptionally good.

Lessons were ok I guess, nothing too bad happened today. Except that I was half-asleep during Math and Lang Arts and Physics(don't I always for this). The other lessons, HMT, Geog and History was actually pretty good. I like the Geog, Lang Arts, and History lessons today the most. Because during History, Mr Ang showed us the bombing scene from the movie Pearl Harbour to show us what the actual thing might have been like. We are doing WW2 now, and I find it quite fascinating. I can't wait to see the beheading pictures he promised. But I know I'll feel queasy after seeing them. It always happens. I like to see how torture is carried out but when I really do, I get cold feet.

And for Lang Arts we played this guessing game for literary devices. And I won 2 SoChews. That's good.

And Geog, oh man. I think that was the most fruitful lesson today. I took down many many many notes. My printed slides are practically polluted with notes. (Get it, polluted? Global warming? Get the..the link? Get.. oh never mind.) And I did not feel sleepy at all! :D I think I was paying a lot more attention than I usually do.

And French. Now that I switched back to Madame Pang, lessons are damn fun. I love French TTM!

And after that, I went to the library to find more Sarah Dessen books. I found 'That Summer' and 'Just Listen'. Isn't that great?! Now, I have 3 Sarah Dessen books, including 'Lock and Key'. Great way to spend the week.

Suddenly, I love my life. (Well not really, but it was a fleeting feeling.)

I hate jealousy

I think I shall drown myself using my French homework. It's hard, but I love French homework. It's frustrating, but I relish every minute of it. 'It' being looking up too many words in the dictionary, translating a whole bunch of stuff at, looking through scattered notes.

There's just something about being able to complete the work, especially on time. That page of fulscap paper with the long dialogue, the worksheet with all the questions answered. Etc etc etc.

Even if French is hard to understand, I'll love it forever and ever and ever. And I don't think I will stop.

Ok then, off to do French while what I learnt today is still stuck and fresh in my head.

PS. I am SO glad Madame Pang is my teacher. Or I would not know how to survive another year. She just makes lessons fun, ya know? The way she teaches just makes me fall in love with French over and over again everytime I go to class. The pace is just right for me. And I like that. A lot.

PSS. It's weird that my title has nothing and yet everything to do with French, and one should know by now French is the same as my life. And I'd feel more lost if I were to stop learning French suddenly.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

T'was A Normal Gloomy Day

Nothing happened. 'Cept some people really do NOT know how to take care of borrowed stationery. In a week, I had somebody lost my perfect pen(t'was my fave) and someone break my eraser(t'was not even 20% finished). Like what the shit. At least the one who lost my pen said sorry. The eraser idiot did not even tell me or at least apologise, choosing instead to let me find out by myself.

Tell me, how do I stop being selfish like this?

Semua dia, semua dia. Tak habis-habis si dia tu, saja. Bosan sey! >:(

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It's Very Late Now

But I can't sleep, and don't want to.

Today I finally found another Sarah Dessen book. This one's 'Lock and Key'. It looks kind of nice. The key necklace on the cover looks beautiful. I have a key necklace, too. It's a lovely one. :) I can't wait to 'relax and rejuvenate' while reading the book. I am in desperate need of that. Not like Boxhead is enough.

I realised that Sarah Dessen's writing style is to explain the situation at the first few chapters, like in an insighful way. And mothers are usually referred to as 'my mother'.

Now, what? Oh yes.

Today me, Siti and Nicole stayed back for the Geog PT. It was ok, except I forgot to bring the freaking camera. But we identified enough measures to get 10 for Fieldwork. But I don't know if some are relevant, though. Hmm...

And Nicole, man I realised she can be so... LAME. You know? But it's a good thing, lah. :) I wish I could post what she said on the level blog, but I forgot. :( And I am tired.

Is that my role? To include the excluded?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It was a good day

Can you believe it? It was kind of a good/wonderful/lovely day.

I will never dare to say this aloud too early in the day. I'll only say 'Today had been perfect' at the end of the day. Because I realised that if I ever tell it out loud or type out or write somewhere that the day had been flawless before it officially ends, something will always go wrong after that, therefore making the day imperfect. I had experienced that before. It was disappointing.

And I realise if I keep the thought in me until before sleep, the good fortune would last till then. If I don't and tell it to the world too early, it would be broken.

Do you get it?

I do, anyway. Maybe it's superstition, or not, but that's from my experience. But, probably it's a psychological thing. Yes?

It's like, signalling the end of good luck when one says 'What a perfect day today was.' Over. The day is over. The luck is over. Get the link?

But anyway, now I officially say, today had been a good day.

How to bond

Well, there had been plenty of tests lately and many accreds are coming soon. So, obviously, one has to have a break, right? Yes. (You better agree, even though you think it is way better to study like mad.)

So, when I got home today, I just dumped my bag aside and switched on the laptop and do the stuff I normally do- Facebook, read blogs, Facebook, cooking games, Facebook, dress up games, and have I mentioned Facebook? And then, Anis came along and said, "Eh, let's play Boxhead!" And of course, I immediately said no. But she coaxed me so much I agreed in the end. :J

And we started playing, and... and it was fun. Shooting zombies with shotguns and UZIs and grenades and rockets, was very fun. And we laughed a lot, and played a lot(duh) and most of all, spent TIME together.

Not only do you get to have fun, you just have this teamwork thing going on. Like, "Ok, I take this section, you take that one.' -POWPOWPOW- "ARGH! I'm going to die!!" "Ok, I got that! DIE DEMON DIE!"

And you learn how to be... unselfish(can't find that right word. :L). Since there will be the red boxes to refill your weapons after you kill the demons or stuff like that. And sometimes, you don't quite need them yet. "Ok, you can take that box."

Though one tends to cuss and swear while playing. Eg. "Take that you MF!" "Get lost you b----!" "Hahaha!! Gay!! Come line up to die!"

It just develops love, see? We can try playing Boxhead to get the level closer. Hey, I'm just sayin'.

From a game this violent, the values derived aren't that bad, after all. So, who says killing/bloody games are bad?

Monday, May 10, 2010


Aku, dan hanya aku, memanggilnya sedemikian. Kamu, jangan nak kpo atau pendekkan lagi.

Shiz, selfishness.

I realised that I am:
-Easily and overly jealous

Oh, I'm gonna die!!

Anis: Oops, I stepped on you rpillow. My bad!
Me: -punches her thigh-
Anis: OI!
Me: -attempting to mimick her complaining voice-
OH NO!! Bleeding! My arteries, veins, cappilaries all burst! I have severe internal bleeding! Oh! I will develop shock after losing so much blood! Ah! Single patella fracture! ARGH! I'M GONNA DIE!!

No, she didn't really say that.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

What if...?

What if people forgot my birthday? And it passes unnoticed?

What if I have no friends at the end of the year? And stay that way for the next 2 years in SCGS?

What if I make more enemies? And dump all the other friends?

What if I am just being paranoid? And I think I am.


I.. I feel lost. Someone's taking my place... Someone's taking my place. Someone's taking my place? Someone's taking my place?! WHY?!

Why do I feel so forgotten when I don't see it. Why do I feel so forgotten when I do? What's wrong with me? I know what. Overdose of ___l___y.

Gah. I knew it. Won't last that long.

Shut up, conscience. Don't jinx it.

But, I know it was too good to be true. Don't I?

Yes, yes I do.

Seriously, shut the freaking hell up.

It's A Queer Time by Robert Graves

For the Tic-Tac-Toe assignment, I am doing diagonally up. So it means that I am going to do the sympathetic response. And I came across this poem. Easy to read and so... exquisite? And it's not even written by those 'high-class' poets we study about in class.

It's hard to know if you're alive or dead
When steel and fire go roaring through your head.

One moment you'll be crouching at your gun
Traversing, mowing heaps down half in fun :
The next, you choke and clutch at your right breast
No time to think leave all and off you go . . .
To Treasure Island where the Spice winds blow,
To lovely groves of mango, quince and lime
Breathe no good-bye, but ho, for the Rest West!
It's a queer time.

You're charging madly at them yeling 'Fag!'
When somehow something gives and your feet drag.
You fall and strike your head; yet feel no pain
And find . . . You're digging tunnels through the hay
In the Big Barn, 'cause it's a rainy day.
O springy hay, and lovely beams to climb!
You're back in the old sailor suit again.
It's a queer time.

Or you'll be dozing safe in your dug-out
A great roar the trench shakes and falls about
You're struggling, gasping, struggling, then . . . hullo!
Elsie comes tripping gaily down the trench,
Hanky to nose -- theat lyddite makes a stench
Getting her pinafore all over grime.
Funny! because she died ten years ago!
It's a queer time.

The trouble is, things happen much too quick;
Up jump the Boshes, rifles thump and click,
You stagger, and the whole scene fades away:
Even good Christians don't like passing straight
From Tipperary or their Hymn of Hate
To Alleluiah-chanting, and the chime
Of golden harps . . . and . . . I'm not well today . . .
It's a queer time.

When a rich family holds a birthday party

Yesterday, my P1 sister, Adani went to her classmate's birthday party. She went with my mum and Aryan. When we came to fetch her, she came holding a helium-filled pink princess balloon covered with tiaras and sparkles. In her hands, she held a ribbon-tied Rainbow Magic book and another wrapped gift. My brother had a present too.

What rich souvenirs! Who gives books as party favours? Alongside pencil cases and finger puppets! And helium-filled balloons! I get to play with those less than 5 times a year!

And since the whole class was invited, imagine that amount of gifts times 30. Oh wait, that's just classmates. You may want to add on huge numbers of relatives too.

My 7th birthday party was big, but not that grand.

It's crazy, but it happens when rich families throw bithday parties for their precious little princess.


Aku tidak pasti.

Sudah aku memberikan surat itu kepadanya, namun dia masih tidak lakukan apa-apa. Perangainya tetap sama. Aku telah membuka hatiku sebesar-besarnya supaya dia dapat memahamiku. Namun, aku rasa bahawa dia sedang memudaratkan situasi ini.

Dia kerapkali berkata bahawa tiang ini sedang pecah. Pernahkah dia lihat sendiri bahawa dia juga sedang membakar pecahan-pecahan tiang ini?

Tidak. Dia tidak nampak. Dia tidak perasan.

Dia fikir yang lain sahaja yang sedang memusnahkah tiang ini. Tetapi jelas terpancar bahawa dia sendiri sedang berlaku sedemikian.

Apa yang boleh ku lakukan?

Aku juga tidak pasti.


Ok, Wen Qian Ma'am finally found out my blog! :0000

Record now stands at around one month. Wait, lemme go and check first, ah?

Around 37 to 38 days of 'hiding'. Cool. :/

Now, the waiting is OVER.

Letter dated 4 May 2010

Dear Fulscap Paper,

Alyssa, she is right. Where is this 'bond' that we all claim to have? Where is the 'love' and 'closeness'? Where

I don't see it. I don't even see its shadows.

At the gallery, it was just plain obvious how down I was. But where was comfort? Where were the smiles on lips that will say 'Cheer up, pal!' Where were the real hugs?

The hugs that I really needed when I was really feeling out of place. You should have reserved it specially for that time, you know.

I know those were(are) just hormones acting up, but the situation now is critical.

I told Alyssa a lot just now when I left the gallery. I forced myself to. She gave me the adjective. Cold.

It is cold. Everything is when nobody cares.

Alyssa was terrifying just now. The look on her face- I've never seen before. Honestly, I was glad and relieved whenever she did smile, although I know it was fake. But at least she did.

There are so many betrayals around here. Fake faces, bogus masks.

When will it all stop?

But, from far, I finally saw what Alyssa did.

Sheesh, I really miss those cramps. :/

And my handwriting always seems much much MUCH neater whenever I feel emo. It was almost flawless on the original copy of the letter.

Anyway, this letter is really really REALLY what I feel sometimes. Even if I do NOT want to believe it. Admit it man, it's what you think too.

And the childhood memories came flooding back

After the Mothers' Day dinner with my grandparents, we visited their house for a short moment. During the journey there, in the car, I put my arm beside the car window covered with small raindrops. Naturally, the shadows of the broken water splattered my limb. Immediately, my mind went back to those times when Anis and I would pretend those were chickenpox marks. And pretend it was raining whenever the car drove in a tunnel and cover our heads(including every other passenger) with tissue paper to protect ourselves from getting soaked with imaginary rain.

At home, I watched Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs, while reminiscing (with Anis once again) how we used to act out the scenes we liked the most. For example, that part where the evil queen made the potion to transform herself into an old hag.

Those memories... So precious. So.. out of reach... Yet so close to the heart... Seemed like just days ago when I went to the US for the holidays. Darn, that was when I was 4. But I remember. I remember taking a picture on this place with barrels. I remember lining up for this ET ride in Disneyland, while marvelling at those fans that breathe out cool water vapour. I remember how I argued with Anis because I wanted to sit in the perambulator. Gosh, I remember.

Why can't I leave all this frustration and go back to those times of innocence? Why?

(Because Science doesn't allow time-travelling...yet.)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Because I haven't written for so long

Can I say this week is... messed up? There was so much happening, much more than just tests and accreds etc etc etc. So I forced myself to try to not go online.

Hmm... I got a lot to say but... I forgot. :L Because I'm just watching some vids on YouTube. And so my attention is just on the rwj vids.

Um fine I'll continue posting since they are still loading.

On Tuesday, damn that was the worst day ever. Go read the third letter to my fulscap paper. Go go go.

Wednesday, same thing. Kind of? It was Lyssy's birthday. :D

Thursday, darn it. It was Evac Theory Accred and I won't be surprised if I didn't pass because I did not -fill in the blank- .

And I had my NAPFA test! :0
I guessed it was ok lah. I got 2 As! :D And the rest were Cs. But who cares?! I got a GOLD!! 22 points! For the first time ever! Since I (OMG) failed for P4 and P5 and managed a lucky Bronze for P6 and then upgraded to Silver in Sec 1. :D A new achievement. And I broke my personal record. Now, I'm aiming for only 1 C and the rest As or Bs.

Friday was kind of well. Um. Good, I suppose. :D
It was World Red Cross day. Wait, that's today! But we 'celebrated' it yesterday. And so I wore the RC uniform to school. And then I was biting back my smile when Mrs Low was talking and talking and talking about how awesome we are. :D Well, ok fine she didn't say it like THAT but she was implying it.

Yeah so what sucked was that PE was the FIRST FREAKING PERIOD so I had to change immediately after assembly. :(( Oh well. I WANTED to wear the uniform. Sigh. I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

And everyone knows! We had our SFA! :0 And WE ALL PASSED!! Isn't that great?! I'm a qualified first aider now. (Though I still do not know my first aid well. Oh no.) I supposed we all passed because the examiner was kind of lenient.

Lalalalala... What can I say now?


Monday, May 3, 2010

My brother wants to act cool

Today, he used the Gatsby Hair Gel and spiked up his hair. He is only 4 years old. (Yes, that watch is my dad's.)


It's 6.20 pm now, and that's like less than an hour ot my would-be buka time. And I realised I'm having my freakin' you-know-what. So I must freakin' break my fast now. And I must freakin' still do 11 days. Shiz, I really hate you, you freakin' you-know-what.


Why my titles are in English

Because I decided to alternate the months. Like, hmm... How to say? You know, alternate the months. (Because I'm too lazy to use translator for almost every post title :L)

May- English
June- French
July- English
August- French

Etc, etc, etc.

Yes! August is in French. :D (HINTHINTHINT: It's my birthday)

I am sooooo hungryyyyyy!!!!!!

Come on, just a little more than 5 hours to go.

Lately, I started watching the raywilliamjohnson vids. (Miselle told me to.) They are pretty awesome! :D Great, now I have stuff to do on the Internet.

No, wait. Not great. Now I can't concentrate on revising for all those tests and doing my remaining homework.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

She's a damn retard, I tell you.

This bloody drima, hah, is TOO much. She is like, insulting Red Cross all the time from FD or FA or stuff like that and she STILL dares to be friends with Wen Qian Ma'am on FB.

Wah, seriously. Damn freak, lah.


On Friday, Siti, Naomi and I did something deeply satisfying.



drima. >:D

Do you know what she does?

Her fringe is way past her eyebrows.

She vandalises both her arms.

Most of all, SHE TEXTS IN CLASS.

And we reported that to Cikgu. (Mdm Wahida)

After class.

And I am soooo excited.

That justice is done.

Of course, Cikgu asked us to write down drima's name and class.

So we did. And at the same time, Naomi sabo-ed her own class which is GR.


It was fun sabo-ing.

Let's see what happens next.

Family Is Important

This is Aryan

This is Adani

This is Anis

This is Mama

And this is Papa: the most unglam one

A hidden blessing

Everyone knows what's happening now. (Almost everyone)

Everyone is looking at it very very negatively. (Almost everyone)

Everyone wishes this hadn't happen. (Almost everyone)

And me, well, I feel quite glad, unnaturally. Last night, before I drifted off to sleep, I realised one thing. That people actually cared about what is happening and are doing something about it. That this matter is not just left to be alone.

Hmm... This is harder to type than I expected. It made perfect meaning when it was going through my head, I swear. And now, I don't know how to explain it.

All this worrying and sadness means that this friendship is precious to everyone of us. That it means something.

I don't think I've ever felt this sad/worried/upset/whatever-word-you-wanna-put-in because of friendship before. Then, when something happened, I would be worried over the most trivial things. Like, who would I go with for recess? But now, I am worried about the future of us.

Last night, during the journey back home, I was thinking about it. It was a very, very, VERY peculiar feeling which I had never experienced before. It was like a huge serving of utmost worry that came with a side-dish of frustration and topped with a gravy made up of uncertainty.

Eesh, what kind of meal is that? You might be thinking. But I realise now, it's like fertilizer. It looks disgusting, smells disgusting, and yet it nourishes the plants. So, what I'm trying to say is that. This argument(is it called that?) will get us closer. I can feel it in my veins/arteries/cappilaries/whatever-word-you-wanna-put-in.

We WILL get through this, one way or another.

Omg, do you get the irony? I was the one who put in the last straw, and now I want to tell everyone to be happy? Hahaha. How dumb of me.

But I really DO believe it, you know?

That we will ALL survive.

And I want to clear up something. This is not, I repeat, NOT hatred. I DO NOT HATE ANYONE. Because, it is just frustration.

Mm-hmm. I can sing Ce Qu'ils Aiment with the lyrics in front of me. I can memorise the first line and the chorus and know what the words mean. Next comes knowing how to sing it without looking at the lyrics.

You bring that thing up one more time

And I swear I will not be as positive.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I wish, I wish with all my heart...

that someone would be here to give me a hug, a real one.

Shock=When the circulatory system fails, depriving vital organs of oxygen

I have to pass my SFA. Or else.

Today is the weirdest day ever.

I feel bad.

And angry.

And sad.

And confused.

And just so very guilty.

It's my fault.


My fault.

I destroyed everything.

I destroy everything.

Can it be recovered?

Shiz, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just so freaking sorry.