Sunday, May 9, 2010

Letter dated 4 May 2010

Dear Fulscap Paper,

Alyssa, she is right. Where is this 'bond' that we all claim to have? Where is the 'love' and 'closeness'? Where

I don't see it. I don't even see its shadows.

At the gallery, it was just plain obvious how down I was. But where was comfort? Where were the smiles on lips that will say 'Cheer up, pal!' Where were the real hugs?

The hugs that I really needed when I was really feeling out of place. You should have reserved it specially for that time, you know.

I know those were(are) just hormones acting up, but the situation now is critical.

I told Alyssa a lot just now when I left the gallery. I forced myself to. She gave me the adjective. Cold.

It is cold. Everything is when nobody cares.

Alyssa was terrifying just now. The look on her face- I've never seen before. Honestly, I was glad and relieved whenever she did smile, although I know it was fake. But at least she did.

There are so many betrayals around here. Fake faces, bogus masks.

When will it all stop?

But, from far, I finally saw what Alyssa did.

Sheesh, I really miss those cramps. :/

And my handwriting always seems much much MUCH neater whenever I feel emo. It was almost flawless on the original copy of the letter.

Anyway, this letter is really really REALLY what I feel sometimes. Even if I do NOT want to believe it. Admit it man, it's what you think too.

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