Friday, May 28, 2010

I do not know if today was a good day or not :/

Well, for dinner today we went to Northpoint! And ate at some place called BBQ Chicken. Their slogan was 'It's not barbeque chicken, it's BBQ Chicken'. X)

And well, at first, Anis and I ordered the cream pasta with chicken cutlet but a few minutes after the order was made, the waitress came back saying that it was sold out! And she said sorry for not informing us earlier. And I was very irritated for a while because I was so terribly hungry then. So I took the other available cream pasta dish, the one with mushroom and chicken strips. Plus Mama asked for one plate of chicken cutlets to make up for the lost ones. And the waitress said sorry again, and again, and again. But of course by that time I lost all my grudge since it was sincere so what for should I stay mad? Plus, after we were done eating and were leaving, the waitress came one more time and apologised yet again. I was getting pretty annoyed but in a good way. She is a vey good person. And that's what I call good service, or maybe just good character. :)

And well, the food came pretty quick, I guess. And it was so yummy! Like, the cream was so creamy and the chicken was nice and crispy and you get it, right? /:) P:

After the meal, we were, you know, just chilling out at the table to 'cool off' after dinner, as always. And then Aryan misbehaved again like always. You do not wanna know what he did. Well, I'm still gonna tell. He licked the glass wall! And it was so eewish and eww can you imagine that? I mean don't you pity the next person who rests his/her head there?! But Mama cleaned the part with a wet tissue and yeah.

And you know those type of tables with cushion seats, like diner-style? So the seats of one table is joined to the seats of anaother table? Yeah, Aryan went over the seat to the other table. And when Mama pulled him back, he rolled over the seat. And the sight of him doing that was just so very hilarious and I kept laughing and laughing and laughing till I felt this warm ache in my stomache.

After that, we went walking around then Adani said she wanted an ice-cream and I looked at her irritably because how can she think of ice-cream amidst all this fullness?! So we walked to Mcdonald's but along the way I saw this shoe sale and if you know me, I get attracted so much to these kind of things. And if you know me, I've been trying to find a pair of purple shoes wedge-style since a million years ago to complete my pretty purple outfit. And you can guess what happened next, I came across one pair of those. And it was sitting there so invitingly, so seductively. And I just had to try those, get my drift? And it looked so purty. And in the end, I left with them. (After paying of course.) Oh my gosh, thank you so much Mama! It was the happiest event of the week!

Then we went to the Body Shop because Mama needed to buy some body soap and stuff. And Anis and I saw a display for lip balms and we tried the Pink Guava one and we fell in love with it almost immediately. And anyway, I have dry lips. And yes, that got purchased too! And it was in a lovely paper bag with English and FRENCH on it! :D Wasn't it a really lovely day?

I love my shoes, and I love the lip balm, and I love the French paper bag, and I love the subscription to TV5 Monde. And I really do love my family, and Mama, and Papa, and Anis, and Adani, and Aryan, and Coco, and I am just terribly sorry if I were mean ever, and that was just my moods and not hatred at all.

But then, my warm fuzzy feelings in me dimmed when I saw those SMSes, which unfortunately reminded me of whatever else was going on while I was living in bliss. And I felt my heart drop.

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