Sunday, May 16, 2010

I'm high now so don't blame me if this post makes you mad

It's so hilarious when I see the stuff that makes you feel sad. I laugh when you are angry and mad and upset or whatever with what's happening now. Like seriously. It is because everything's going the way the evil side of me had planned. :D

And seeing people tryna assure me etc etc etc. I laugh man. It's so hilarious. I feel like a puppeteer controlling the puppets. Seeing what actions they'll do whenever I pull different strings. And being entertained at the different moves and outcomes.

And yet, I feel guilty because it seems all the problems stemmed from my over-sensitivity and over-jealousy and stuff.

But it makes me laugh because maybe I was just pretending a teeny weeny bit and not too serious about the matter. Though I actually am. But still am not. Oh dear, I'm not making too much sense am I?

That's because I'M HIGH.

After tasting delicious milk prata yesterday(prata cooked with condensed milk) and eating nasi ambeng for lunch and dinner today, why shouldn't I be? :D

Life is weird/funny/sad and still damn hilarious.

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