Friday, May 21, 2010

Fading Injuries

My ankle cut is healing. It's now a scab. And it's you know, doing what scabs do, peel away. Yes, it's healing. Returning to normal. But it's still there, not fully healed yet. If I force the scab to peel and go away, though, it will hurt. If you have a brain, you'll know what I'm talking about, what I'm referring this ex-cut to.

And OMG. Today after we reached school after the Amazing Race thing, gosh something 'awesome' happened. Well, me and Jan (I do not think I care about using Jan and I ler) were walking to the lobby. And we saw Ruth ma'am who said hi to Jan and I was like 'She didn't say hi to me!! D:' and Jan, oh my freak told Ruth ma'am that 'Audi wants a hi too!' AND LO AND BEHOLD Ruth ma'am came along and said yo whassup WITH A SUPER HARD BLOW TO MY LEFT ARM!! And I was like 'HUH?! OUCH?!' And Jan MUST demonstrate how it was done by hitting me repeatedly on the same spot!! Like seriously! Gosh! Ouch, kay? -.- And guess what! Ruth ma'am is in Foxy Loxy for June camp, like me! :000

Let's just hope she doesn't do it again.

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