Saturday, March 16, 2013

like you see through me

Also, I have to get the xx's album or I think I shall perish.
They're brilliant and wonderful and I am so in love with them.

I should probably go sleep now.
At least I've found several good fics - those two supremely long ones would suffice.
(Glad for my ability to tell which fics have quality from reading just the first line of the fic.)
Coupled with a few books of my own, I'm thinking the journey will be quite beautiful and grand and magnificent and whatever other lovely adjective there is.

Yeah this is most likely the last of entries for at least a couple a days.

1 comment:

  1. Shit, migga. I was going to buy it for you the other day while I was at HMV and I didn't know if you had it. OMG, the album cover is GORGEOUS. If I go soon, I'll call you, kay?
