Sunday, March 31, 2013

white lies and white lines

Aha but no I haven't had much time to watch tv it was just that once and I was watching a very fascinating documentary.
Been forced out the house against my will for the past two days so now I have only Sunday to do all my work.
Yet again.
Okay at least I have some time in between lessons everyday to do work.
But my "perfect timetable"'s not so perfect anymore because now trainings are on Monday and Wednesday and Mondays are terrible days because school ends at 5.30pm so I'd have to rush and then the day ends late and I reach home at 10pm and this isn't any good and.
Maybe I'm too distressed.

Also I'm not supposed to be doing any of this (my PI takes precedence yeah) but it's been days and I've a lot to dump and stuff.
Listening to Channel Orange though so that helps too.
Tbh I haven't accustomed myself to it that well so it's still a bit unfamiliar but it's good it helps me concentrate better.

People should not give me such incredible news while playing Angels by my ears while I'm attempting French work because I kinda died.
Arinna has similar music taste as I do I'm confused because this is insane??
Like how what is this fated or???
Also the girl Dianna's birthday is 10 January like Arinna like Anis I am still confused??
What is this???

But anyway people in my class sing HSM and Barbie songs you have been raised well I am in good hands.
Oh yeah I talked to Angel the Swifty about 1D a few days ago????

(In Finn voice because that's how I always say my whaaaaaaat???s now)

Last Monday (and I'm still keening) "so when the D moves up the S...." happened during econs lesson and I can't with this class gay innuendo smdh so Mr Larry Lim said can u not (not really he didn't but it was the same thing) and the whole class laughed I am still keening sorry this was probably unnecessary but it is really.

Earpieces can you please work I just want to listen to Frank Ocean and do my work so can u not.

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