Wednesday, March 20, 2013

thank you for not being here

Okay this will probably be one of my last few posts involving 1D because after yesterday, I mean.
I just want to wean myself off of this?
Also I feel sad that my whole life practically revolves around the boys like what?.
It's just a tiny bit too detrimental.
(Buuuut don't take my word for this; this may or may not be just a phase.)
I say step one to dragging myself out of this sinkhole.
(And it may or may not fail.)
((Come to think of it..what is my "step one" even..?))

Though of course I'll still be a hard-core Larry shipper, also side-shipping Ziam and the occasional Zourry.
And you know what, you can't change that.
If I ship people I have my reasons for doing so and I will not jump ship just because someone tells me to.
Shipping is serious business, I mean, it practically tells the world what some of the things that you stand for, are.
And so it is undoubtedly true that once you insult someone's ship, shit will get personal.
Which is why I think that if you do not agree with someone's choice of ships, you do not go up to them and tell them upfront that their ship is bullshit.
Especially when you are in their personal space.
You come on here, you read my opinions, and you respect them, because I cannot deal with anyone having the privilege of coming into my bubble and then throwing serious shade on me or what I personally believe in and stuffing ships I don't want to ship down my throat (or any other ideologies for that matter).
And this is my personal policy in reading opinions and perspectives of the millions of people we have on this planet.
If I choose to read someone's diary and intrude onto their personal space (without them knowing and yes I've done this so many times before sorry do you have a diary i might have read it sorry again) I make sure that I am mentally prepared for things that might offend me, and then I keep myself open-minded and I won't hate on them for their opinions.
Because it is their right and it is their space and I have to respect that.
And if I choose to go through the Elounor tag, for example, I am not going to flip if I see Elounor shippers worshiping that ship or stating (civilly) how they think Larry's not real, because it is their space.
(Even though I still think some're kinda stupid.
Though not quite as stupid as Haylor shippers..
because how can you ship two people who don't even remotely look happy with each other.)
But I draw the line if they do that on the Larry tag or send anon hate or whatever else.

Oh god I think I digressed.

The point of the matter here is that I am not trying to sink anyone's ship - it is merely me stating my honest-to-god opinions.
I also take great care in not insulting the people themselves so I mean...?
If you hate the fact that I ship Ziam...why should you even bother?
My Ziall-shipper sister and my Ziam-shipping self get along just fine, even though we have tiny ship wars now and then, but nothing too major.
I asked her today if she's mad that I shipped Ziam (ya know, since Ziall's her OTP and her one true love and such and Zayn's with Niall not Liam etc etc) and she said no why should she be mad, because she doesn't control me.
I wanted to kiss her then because if my own sister can tolerate it (not even "tolerate" really; she simply doesn't give a shit what I ship) then why can you not?
And remember that from time to time, I still get intense Zouis feels, so the fact that I can still ship a pairing involving half of my soulmate otp aka Larry Stylinson...

Also I am very, very okay with people having Zouis/Zarry/Nouis/Narry/Lilo/Lirry as their otp as in they legitimately have faith in their otp being 100% real in real life.
You know, because why should I burst their bubble when they're in their own happy place?
As long as they don't hate on other ships, I'm perfectly fine.
And I actually find it cute too (aka that time when I found someone with Narry as their serious otp), so I don't get why you're mad..?
I am sorry if this makes you mad, but I was so, so upset, I really was.
And the fact that you seriously, seriously could not take me shipping Ziam kind of worries me a little.

So I am not going to stop my shipping Ziam, because I see something there, and you should not be terribly offended if you are completely assured of the realness of your own otp.
What I ship shouldn't affect what you ship, and it is the same the other way.

Now how about we both do a turn-around-and-walk-away move and carry on with our smutfic-reading/feels-filled lives.

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