Sunday, March 10, 2013

read the stars

I am a sucker for things gold.
And not the real kinds, oh no.
All the gold I like is burnished, or antiquated, or bronzed, or rose.

The past week I think I've fallen quite in love with two - two! - purses it is quite sad.
But you must understand if something has a detail that is remotely one of those kinds of gold I will be undoubtedly take to it.
breathe, turn around, walk away.

Ok but I can't and what's worse is that one of them is $56 and the other is $87 I got no green or rubber band stacks ok.

Goooollllllllddddddddddddd like the undead would moan for braaaaaiiiiinnnnsss.
"Get me gold stuff and I'll be happy" says the materialistic girl.

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