Tuesday, March 19, 2013

bitches aint serious

Woke up to the release of AAoOD2 and omg.
It was good as always yeah okay but Larry shippers are flipping shit again.
And it's a different drama from yesterday?
This fandom is so.
The stress of being a larry shipper.
you get so much hate.

I'm turning 17 fgs this isn't supposed to affect me but oh well i can't handle hate my ship my poor ship is at stake my muthafuckin ship people legit think omg what do i do i am utterly depressed this fandom sucks.

I think there's a fine line between being immature and choosing to be it.
Tbh I don't quite know where I'm at now.

But people complain about getting unfollowers for writing anti-Larry posts but okay how about you grow the fuck up yourselves for one mo.
How is unfollowing people immature.
Lbr here if they unfollow you it's probably because they're humane enough to themselves to do something about the fact that they see things they disagree with on their dash, and so by unfollowing your immatureass blog they are just doing a what i call turn-around-and-walk-away move which I'd say is miles more civil than lashing out at you and sending anon hate yeah?
So what if they unfollow you isn't that great you should be thankful that you are not going to be in contact with people who have hideously different ideologies from you weyhey won't that make your life more peaceful.
I don't trip when people unfollow me in fact I fucking appreciate it because they're doing a service to themselves and to me too and since when has tumblr been about gaining followers which is why i unfollow bitches who do promos because tbh we're not on the same frequencies here if you find it quintessential or highly imperative to have a million followers ok because I don't care if I have 0 followers and having several hundred is just a privilege or an honour not a necessity ok.
So you see I cannot take it when some of my favourite Larry blogs get hate for reblogging Ziam or other bands from bitches who think that "if you are a larry blog don't muthafuckin reblog other stuff and stick to mothafuckin larry" because who the fuck are you to tell them what to put in their blog or not.
So if you disagree, just unfollow them and then weyhey thank you very much for making everyone have nice days thenceforth unfilled with hate and shade.
Which is why I am going to unfollow the fashion blogs on my dash because 1) they don't make me feel good about tons of things 2) they reblog 1D fgfs and since I can't tell them to stop reblogging what they want to fuckin reblog because they have that right to freedom of speech etc, I am just going to click that unfollow button and I'd be damned if this isn't considered a mature, adult decision because you have no idea how much I had to talk myself out of throwing shade on them ok and I've done that before it was mean even though it felt good.
(Still does, actually.)
But this speech just.
I mean.
Can't go back on my mothafuckin words can I.

But the boys the poor boys on hipster blogs and shit my poor kittens.

You know what I'll just continue with my homework.

*still seething from Larry hate*

Listening to Come On A Cone helps tbh.

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