Friday, March 15, 2013

teenage kicks right through the night

My whole class save this one girl whose name is Angel hates Taylor Swift.
Do you know how much more I love my class now.
No you know just let me tell you what happened.

It was literature class, and we were doing poems, and for practice we did the song Red.
(ugh noooooooo.......)
I don't know how but it ended up becoming a slam-t-swift session which involved everyone, even the teacher who was vainly trying to get us back on course because every line we would  discover everything but similes or metaphors, and it was a mutual agreement that we were "probably giving her more credit" in doing all the analyses.
(That was an actual quote from the teacher I love her.)
"Mutual" as in everyone agreed but that one poor swifty.
At the end of everything one of the (two) guys in class looked her in the eye all serious and said, "It's okay, Angel. I listen to music and you listen to Taylor Swift."
And the whole class absolutely melted into oohs and ahhs of awe and reverence.

Also this is one conversation I had with the other dude:
"But ugh 1D is so gay."
"Yah they're gay lah."
"You agreee...." 8)
Several sentences later.
"Hey wait, when you say they're gay, it is not an insult, is it?"
"It's not an insult, it's a fact."

And in that moment I swear I wanted to hug the hell out of him.

Oh wait ugh I did not just quote that oh god none of that hipster shit for me please.

Though I would actually defend Niall if he gets called gay because he's not.
(Like how I would probably defend Louis' or Harry's not-straight sexuality.)
I would be pissed, really.
You can suspect the other four all you want, but Niall's straight bro, so too bad.
He's the frickin kitten in the group that's more kitten than Harry.
So Narry is essentially a fluffy kitten ship because kittens.
And everyone has to look after him.
Even though lately all I see from the TMHT gifs is Niall getting sexually assaulted by his bandmates so idk.
Oh wait.
Oh im confused now.
But he's straight ok? ok.

Ugh but really though all these girls in Singapore who think they're actually all straight omf I can't.
You are deluded, loves.
Absolutely deluded.
Get a tumblr ffs, then maybe you'll see sense.

because for some reason it always goes back to 1D.


  1. OI, MIGGA. YOU DON'T GET TO SINK MY ZIALL SHIP. YOU HAVE LARRY, KEEP THEM. YOU DO NOT TAKE MY BRADFORD BAD BOI AWAY FROM MY BABY PENGUIN. NU-UH, MIGGA, STAY AWEH. However, in all seriousness, I see the Larry flag soaring sky high on that mast of yours. Larry is beautiful. AND SO IS ZIALL. KAY? KAY.

    But sorry about poor nialler man - you can join forces with anis and ship ziall together weyhey ;)
