Friday, April 30, 2010

Coco Chanel

As promised, my cute little kitty kat. :)

Cute huh? :)

La Femme

Drunk with melancholy, she strips down to her undergarments, leaving her her t-shirt and shorts lying alone on the cold snow-white tiles. She turns to the sink and is surprised to see another girl standing opposite her. She stops and stares at the girl, studying her features while the girl does the same to her. The girl has dark chocolate hair that slightly curls around her shoulders. Her face a light olive colour that comes with an oily complexion. The expression the girl wears is one of hard nonchalance. Soon, she sees a tear trickle down the girl's face. Then another, and another. She wonders if the girl's expression is just a mask hiding the feeling of helplessness. But as the girl's face gets soaked with her crying, the indifference stays, though now even more cold and hard than before. She wants to hug the girl, comfort her. But she realises that she is unable to. For she too, tastes the exact same salty hot teardrops.


Why must the two closest friends(?) in my life be the most hurtful?

Je n’avais plus de vie

I. Am. A. Complete. Failure.

Who was I to think that I can do well in anything? Me? Just an insignificant creature. I got 14.8/20 for my Petit Test. What kind of shit is that? For the first time I hate the number 8. If it were 15, just 0.2 more marks, I would feel not as depressed. What kind of shit is this? What kind of person am I?


Each time I think about The Betrayal, I feel so #$%^&*()&^%$#


Me: Jan, even if you think you are bad at studies, you have a strength. Footdrill. Nicci, I'm sure you have a strength though I don't know what. But me, I don't have any. Not even one. :'(
Nicci: Audi, YOU HAVE A STRENGTH. Anyway, sometimes strengths can be your weaknesses also.

Je l’aimais pour ça

Whatever people say, I believe that Nicci is a very very very very very nice person. I can tell her anything, as in ANYTHING! From my biggest fears, to my deepest secrets etc etc etc. She's like my own personal counsellor. I told her how betrayed I feel and the casue, and how I am worried that I will never get married, and some other stuff. I will never tell anyone else that, not even my sister.

I can confess to her better than I can to Jan, Xuan Yi, Jan, Miselle, Alyssa etc etc etc. Whom, I guess, I consider I am close to. But I can NEVER tell them the truth inside of me. Those secrets are like, reserved for Nicci. She seems to understand me and I don't even know why.

Se trompait de nom quand il disait qu’il m’aimait

I feel betrayed. So very betrayed. I can't believe you didn't even tell me! And I thought it was just a rumour but when she came just now and told me about it, I was '...'. And not only me, ok? Practically many others would feel the same, maybe even worse than me. And I thought you would AT LEAST tell me!! What the hell?! I want to love everyone, even YOU. But YOU make it SO HARD. Stop being biased for goodness' sake. God, I thought you would at least BE FRANK. And tell me, even though I will probably say no. Or tell others. Or SOMETHING. And not just keep it to yourself. You don't know how much you hurt huh? I bet she feels worse. A million zillion times worse. Because YOU did not even tell her, even though I bet she thinks you care. But I guess you don't. You just don't know how much I would like to call you 'son of a cat' right now. And maybe, who knows? Just scrap the censor word altogether and BE FRANK.

I thought that you were my... URGH. Never mind! >:(

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Today during Art I was feeling nervous about doing footdrill later on during meeting. Because well, I just do not want my horrible footdrill to screw up the whole sekuad, y'know? Anyway, I was saying 'Oh no, I don't want to do footdrill.' And suddenly this farah kpo for nothing and she said 'Oh I love footdrill! :D' And I looked at her and said 'because it's so slack, right?' Then she said yes. And then I retorted 'Well then it's not footdrill anymore.' Like serves her right!! That's for screwing me up during HMT.

I tell you what happened.

Since it's MT week, we are playing this game called 'Piramida' in class. And it's something like charades. Yes so, since yesterday there were 9 people in class, we had it divided into 3 pairs and one group of 3. I was in that group and we were doing so well! After two rounds, we had 11 points(top score). I contributed 7 of those points because I guessed one of the topics and got all the words right. (Nah, the explanator was good, not me. Thanks to her, I guessed all right!) :P So I was actually very useful to the group. BUT TODAY! SOMEONE did not come and she is farah's pair. So Cikgu told our group of 3 that one person has to move over to be farah's pair. And yes, it was me. >:( LIKE WTHHHHH?!?!?!

And she was not really doing so good in the game to. Yes, her pair was LAST. Meaning I had to deal with a person who cannot explain/guess. And because of her, today I am in last place. >:( Like wth?! 1st to 4th? HMPH. What a bloody idiot.

But what touched me the most was that my other classmates, who will receive top 3 prizes, wanted me to get the first prize! I was very very VERY surprised when Natalia said it was unfair that I was not about to win anything after being able to get all 7 words the first time round, before I moved. And then everyone was agreeing. Aww... Humairah wanted to give her first prize to me. And Siti was looking so sad. And Naomi, well, she actually said bye to me! And I was thinking, 'Hmm... They actually bother.' :) Well, we'll see what happens. I think they deserve their prizes, no?

Je pense que je devrais les titres de type en anglais... non.

I feel vey proud and disappointed with myself now.

Lately, I think I have been improving in my Red Cross stuff like RCV, and CPR, and today, FD. I guess?

I passed RCV Silver surprisingly.

My CPR today ended off with a decent 'good' by Deborah Tan YC Ma'am.

And footdrill, OMG! The Memaras command is fun, I guess? :D Did you see that? I didn't have to fall out and look at the sekuad demonstrate the command after that. Meaning I did ok! :D WHAT AN ACCOMPLISHMENT!!! :)

-ego moment-

I feel proud of myself. I MUST keep it up. So I am going to study for SFA starting from now. As in, after this.

But I feel let down by myself.

I think of what I had done in the past. And I hereby acknowledge the fact that I need to be able to respect people more. As in, everyone.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ce Qu'ils Aiment

One of my favourite songs by Sheryfa Luna. :)

Que pensent les hommes quand on ne les lâche pas? Oh, oh, oh
Quand on est à fond, qu'on appelle mille fois, mille fois? Oh
Quand pour un rien, on se met dans tous nos états? Oh, oh, non
Quand on tape des crises juste pour qu'ils restent là, restent là? Oh

Je sais, parfois j'abuse et quand je fais ma reloue
Et jamais je ne m'excuse, je n'ai qu'à lui faire les yeux doux

Je me dis, c'est ce qu'ils aiment chez nous, chez nous
Ne sont traitées comme des reines que celles qui les rendent fous
De temps en temps, il faut les rendre jaloux
Ils aiment quand on les pousse à bout, à bout
Je me dis, c'est ce qu'ils aiment

:D I LOVE THIS SONG!! Gonna upload to my MP3 soon. Ok, that's all for tonight. Bye! :)


To get to the Animal Farm play, I took the MRT to Dhoby Ghaut and took a taxi from there. Luckily it was a lady driver. PHEW! :) And Nicole waited for me at the place! Though I was almost late. :O Thanks so so SO much! :D

I remembered thay were giving out free mystery badges in packets. Of course, I took one. And it said 'Fun'. :)

We sat as a level, meaning, me, Kimmie, Nicole, Alyssa, and Xuannie. :) And I liked seeing a second Alyssa on stage. :) And I thought the play was pretty innovative. With bits of Singaporean culture very visible. Like when in place of 'corn', they used the malay translation that is 'jagung'. Haha so cute. :) And the propaganda posters that said 'Four legs good, two legs BETTER' was multilingual. :) That is SO cool. And seeing the board of the commandments right there? Awesome.

And I don't know, the question-and-answer session made me think. A lot. I did not realise Animal Farm the Play is such a universal thing. I mean, see it's all down to INTERPRETATION and DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES. And oh I don't know, I think it's just so...hmm how to say... enlightening? :P I felt like I was paying for the end session. There was this guy, I remember who had such a lovely little analysis of the play. I tell you, if he were an SC student, he would have gotten full marks for any test on Animal Farm. :) And if he were our TEACHER...

It all ended quite late, at about 10.45 pm. And guess what? My parents wanted to go to Beach Road food court and have a late supper. We did, of course. (The mee goreng and mutton chop was yummy. P:) And I went home super late, at almost 12 am.

But I remember, on the way home, I fell asleep in the car, thinking about
a) How to improve my horrible results
b) How to survive the day after (today)
c) How wonderful my friends (levelmates) are
only to be jolted awake suddenly by my mother with the song 'I made it' playing in the background.

Yeah, maybe. I DID make it. :)

Je déteste

I officially hate drima to the core. Should I rant it all out here? :L Nah, it's better verbally. And anyway, I guess I will tell you... someday.

And, I feel like wanting to show off. May I please please PLEASE show off?? C: That's me, big ego. HAHAHA. But I just will wait for permission or people will think I am a show-offer and egoistic. Ok, so if I get PERMISSION then I can just reason out that some people let me brag what.

And one day, I promise to upload pictures of cute little Coco. :) And you'll finally agree with me that she is the cutest little thing you've ever seen.

Alyssa et son téléphone

Today before French class at the MOELC, well, I'll just say we(Miselle Xuannie and I), got a leetle bit bored. And Xuannie, being the weirdo stalker she is, decided to call this Alyssa for the mere fun of it. And I, having nothing to do, just joined in and called her on my phone too. (I was surprised it actually got through.) And Miselle being the kpo person she is rang her up as well. And Alyssa did not answer and it was so weird. -.- No no no. You should see Alyssa's blog post on this matter becasue this one is horrible.

But the feeling?

EPIC. :)

Ma liste de souhaits...

Been thinking about this list for a long time.. Oh, I KNOW my birthday is like in 4 months. :L But still...

My Wish-list

1. Money for my savings (for iPhone).
2. New pair of roller-skates. Mine are getting a little too small...
3. My own room.
4. Pixie Lott's latest Album
5. All of Sheryfa Luna's Albums
6. More accesories etc..
7. A dress that's pretty and nice.
8. Anything to do with French/France/Paris.

Actually, I just want my friends to be there. :)


Faire votre choix!!

Because of you, I feel sad.

Because of you, I feel happy.

Come on, make up your mind.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mise à jour de vos blogs s'il vous plaît!

Hmm...... Let's see today. Was average. But level recess was cool. :D And I ate one too many sandwiches. :L I ate that kebab chicken sandwich thingy from the vending machine and then ate the Nutella bread from home. Urgh... Felt like puking after that. :O Chicken and chocolate do NOT go well together. :L

Today I'm going for the Animal Farm play. URGH!!!! WHY ARE SO MANY PEOPLE GOING ON WEDNESDAY?!?! :( Never mind at least Nicole is seating beside me. :D I think. :O

Another piece of The Truth About Forever coming in a bit! I think I love, love, absolutely ADORE Sarah Dessen books. I guess she's my favourite author? C: I'm going to finish the book very VERY soon though. Sigh. Mental note: BORROW MORE BOOKS.

Ok, this is Page 194 of TTAF by Sarah Dessen. Only right here at La Lavande.

"That sucks, though," Wes said finally, his voice low. "You're just setting yourself up to fail, because you'll never get anything perfect."

"Says who?"

He just looked at me. "The world," he said, gesturing all around us, as if this party, this deck encompassed it all. "The universe. There's just no way. And why would you want everything to be perfect, anyway?"

So tell me what do you think about being perfect? I think perfection is not TOO important because it's the effort that counts. I mean, I don't know. Perfect or not it's the PERSON who counts right? What do you aim anyway in being perfect? Being perfect sometimes may be good. But not when you're too perfect. I just think this small extract relates so much today to me after a small convo with someone during recess. In this case, I go with Wes' view.

Hmm... Should go and take a shower now and not procastinate or I;ll be late for the play. :) Oh and get ready for French tomorrow. Tomorrow is a make-up lesson because I DO NOT WANT TO BE ALONE ON FRIDAY!!\

PS. There's this ultra-cute video about how to prevent kidnapping, Malaysian production. So naturally, it's Malay. But it's cute! And I can't upload it because there's always AN ERROR. But still, it's cute. :)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Heureux heureux heureux...

Hahaha just now my sister tried killing a cockroach using Rexona. :D What WAS she thinking?

Falling in love with Westlife all over again...

Can't believe that I'm the fool again,
I thought this love would never end
How was I to know?
You never told me,
Can't believe that I'm the fool again
And I who thought you were my friend,
How was I to know?
You never told me.

Hmm... Hahaha! :D

And well, I have a huge zit erupting again. >:( GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Clean & Clear is obviously NOT working. Takes away face moisture too. I guess I'll have to wait for someone to buy a new bottle of Bioré. :L

Someone should invent contacts:
-that can be slept with.
-that don't need cleaning all the time.
-that can be cried in.
-that will permanently make your eyesight 20/20.
-that do not give you infections.
-that can give you x-ray vision at the same time.

Wait, did I just say that? :O

Plus heureuse

I have a mini ear infection on my left ear. Urgh sounds gross. >:O

Anyway, my mom says it's because of my stainless steel ear studs, that I recently changed to a few weeks ago. She says 'I think gold suits you more than stainless steel.' I know you think I sound spoiled. Hmph. >:L

Today during CE, Ms Ku wanted to do a one-on-one with the students. It was not my turn yet, she chose random people. And Carlyn and I(I'm trying so hard to not put me and Carlyn) were laughing so much because each session was so long like 15 minutes. Only one lasted almost 5 minutes.

And I was laughing so much because this time it is not a PTD(Parent Teacher Dialogue) but an STD(Student Teacher Dialogue). HAHAHA! If you had taken Biology, you will know STD stands for sexually-transmitted diseases. :O :DDD

And when Carlyn said something like 'Oh, this one is only 8 minutes long.' I'll go 'Well, at least it's not a lifetime'. HAHAHA! :D

Hmm... You know Stomp? I feel so scared some random reader will post this on Stomp and say 'Student from elite school makes fun of life-threatening diseases' or something. :L It's so freaky. ON GUARD ON GUARD ON GUARD.

This one is on a happier note.

Btw, I swept the class again.

Comme Avant

I don't know what to say about today. Depressing?

Well, never mind. Let's move and to the stuff I noted down onto my post-it pad for this blog.

Nope. Don't feel like saying anything about my encounters today. The subjects look so inferior compared to what I HAVE to say.

I am currently reading a book called The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen. It is a lovely book. And I enjoy is so so much. Oh, that reminds me. I have to go and renew it. It's due today. :S

Then, about a year and half too late, it hit me. I was never going to be perfect. And what had all my efforts gotten me, really, in the end? A boyfriend who pushed me away the minute I cracked, making the mistake of being human. Great grades that would still never be good enough for girls who Knew Everything. A quiet, still life, free of any risks, and so many sleepless nights to spend within it, my heart heavy, keeping secrets my sister had empowered herself by telling. This life was fleeting, and I was still searching for the way I wanted to spend it that would make me happy, full, okay again. I didn't know what it was, not yet. But something told me I wouldn't find it here.

It is amazing how much short snippets like this from books can relate so much to you. When, in actual fact, it has absolutely nothing to do with you, from direct context.

I think it's just me feeling extra-sensitive towards minor things that do not mean anything. Being extra-aware and careful and suspicious eversince The Revelation.

I guess... This Cheery Mask is not a prop supporting the Play of Life, but indeed, a real used one.

(If you don't get what I mean, it's alright. ;) )

Urgh oh fine, I'll reveal the meaning. >:L

The happy face is not put on because I am really feeling happy, but because it is to make me LOOK happy. You know, used for its real purpose and not to emphasize the fact that I AM happy? :l

I'm not used to the life of a failure. Is it okay to cry with my contacts on?

Hmm... Ok off to continue reading. After I study the hand-out with dense notes on it. :L

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Oh non!

Xuanni just told me my blog is like Wen Qian Ma'am's! :O Full of thoughts. That are erm, emo. (Oh no, I am not insulting Wen Qian Ma'am's blog. I find it nice to read, k?)

And my blog is not entertaining anymore. And makes people emo! <:O

Aw, shoot.

Don't worry. It should wear off... soon. I guess? :L

Simply put, wait for a happy post. Then you know it's alright lor. Durh!




When you give money, or take it out, or receive it. Do you just. Do so without thinking. Ok. You might be thinking. 'Oh no, there goes my money.' or 'Argh, I don't have a five-dollar note. I suppose this ten-dollar one will do.'

But. That's not my point.

My point is. Do you ever look at the note. Closely?

If you do, you'll realise that:

1) There is a light picture of the Island of Singapore in the background of the signature.

2) On the gold Merlion above 'This note is legal tender', the amount of the note is stated. For example, if it were a ten-dollar note, it would be TENDOLLARS.

3) At the back of the note, the one where the pretty pictures are, there will be a floral design in the background, more to the sides, that varies with every different value.

-most interesting-

4) On the bottom half of the big main number, beside the 1st President's face, there are, naturally, different designs for each different note value. Look at them. :)

Of course, I'm referring to the plastic version of the money. Look at the paper ones, and try to find other interesting stuff. :)

It's exactly like Life itself. Do you just let it go by? Or do you try to look at it closely?

Je suis désolée, encore.

I am sorry, so very sorry if my emo posts had just made you feel emo also.

I just feel that way. :(

And I have nothing else to say.

Not much.

Nope nothing at all.

Except that.

Please don't miss the post called -Nil2- above -Nil-.

That is.

If you want to see more of the emo side.

Of me.

You don't have to read it.


You do not want to.

Que ça va durer?

Today I go to school and feel happy surrounded by many wonderful people. But sometimes, I wonder.

Will it last?

These smiling faces, light-hearted laughs, this close bond.

But will it be like last year? All over again?

Don't let the June holidays be a separater. Please, don't.

4 months, let it last at least 4 more months.

Just 4. That's all I'm asking.


I know why I'm drowning in this Great Black Ocean of Despair.

When I was in primary 6, I was not THAT strong in Math, or Science, normally just pulling off with a fast and average B. But.

At least I had a strong subject, with which I could easily kill off the other students like spraying insecticides on pesky flies. And that was English. I was so good at English, excelling it time and time and time again. When I already had the highest score for Paper 2, I could still ask for more marks using my argumental skills. And proceed to bag more.

And then I got 259 for PSLE. And As for Math and Science, and A*s for both my Malay and English. And a Merit for Higher Malay. (Not that I was expecting much from THAT, anyway.) But.

It felt good. To be third in the whole batch of P6s. (Not that I could beat the top 2 people anyway.) But.

Now. It is horrible. Language Arts is my worst subject. And Math and Biology my best. What is happening? Why is the world turning upside down?

Even Alyssa, who thinks she is a bad bad bad student (not that she is, anyway), can blog better than me. More matured and insightful. With such lovely language that just flows perfectly. And such lovely poems that are far more prettier than mine. I guess, I am jealous.

I know why I am attempting, to no avail, to put in flowery words into my posts. I just want to get back my throne. (Not that my words are like lavender, anyway. They are more like Rafflesias.)

Stop talking to me like that. Stop pretending you are not disappointed with my results. Just admit it. You are.


Sigh... I feel so inferior right now. Like what am I doing here? If I went to some neighbourhood school I'd be better right? And get better results right? What the hell is wrong with me? I'm seriously turning into Normal Technical student. I don't get it. I. DO. NOT. GET. IT. At all. And it is eating me up bit by bit slowly. There's just this barrier separating me from the truth. And the truth is that. I am stupid. Even if I want to say I NOT STUPID. And the glass barrier is just being cracked slowly by this hammer of, well, academic results.

Why can't I go back to primary school? Where I at least feel smart?


I thank Xuannie and Miselle for cheering me up so late into the night. :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010


MOELC portal. Work for 23 April. On-line exercise number 1- Adverbs. Question number 8.

Je suis passionné par le français. J'aime passionnément le français.

I am passionate towards French. I passionately love French.

Mmm... What a lovely coincidence. My favourite number with an undeniably true statement.

Je m'ennuie

Sigh......... I'm damn so very freakingly bored. Maybe I should do my French homework now. :L I don't want to do my Math, LA, and HMT... yet. Ok. I shall do French while the info is still fresh in my head. :)

My goodness the weather is very, very mad. It is so dark here. And the lightning jumps out at you like a child playing peek-a-boo but screaming it not so playfully. More like a menacing bully. Yet it's only a light and slight pouring of raindrops.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Oh, et ma course!


Forgot to tell you about my 2.4km run. My timing was 16 mins 22 seconds. That's a C. But I'm not complaining because that's already an achievement. I felt aeriously refreshed after that. :D Unlike running 10 rounds which made me feel like an invalid. :( Adrenaline was coursing through my veins. :D

But I did not do my 5 stations because we had to go for Petit Test. :O I hope I did ok. I should have studied more, then maybe I would have gotten better marks, not that I know my marks already. Sigh. Failure. Failure. Failure.

And bloody drima insulted us! Shitbrain(Nicolette said that! She modified my shithead)

Me: I wish I can do footdrill. I wish I can do footdrill.
d: What the hell is footdrill anyway? Do you like drill your foot?
Me: -says nothing while giving her the iciest coldest most hateful glare I've ever given to someone outside my family-

If only, IF ONLY I said "Why not you try that yourself and see if us first-aiders are there to help you or not."

What. A. Bitch.

Sigh. I should stop typing now becasue I feel a bit exhausted and am screwing up my typing and I will always need to edit mistakes. Good night! (Actually, who knows maybe I will want to post more later?)

Météo de la haine et la colère

Well, since I promised SOMEONE I'll update this, fine I will. I have 7 things noted down on my post-it which I will share with all of you. (That sounds a bit weird actually.)

Oh, first thing is.. um...let's see... Ah! It's on the topic of being unthankful. Well, I guess this is kinda old. But remember the day I swept the whole class? Yeah the day after that, I guess I expected some form of thanks or something. Yeah most were happy, but there were SOME who totally did NOT appreciate it at all! Like Natalia becasue she was like "Eh, why my table so out then yours so in?" Like what? And Mr Cho also lah, he looked for dust all that and found the table I did not have time to clean. He's so mean. Never even say thanks you or anything. What is in his mind? Thinking that I'm a robot and can clean THE WHOLE CLASS?? I think a more probable scenario would be Nemo the clownfish taking over the whole world. And anyway, the class is getting dirty again.

OCD: Haha, Audi! I will rule your life!!!!

Okey! Oh ya, and you know right? While I was cleaning Siti helped also right? Yeah, while doing the whiteboard Siti put the many dusters on the nearest table, farah's one! >:D Hahaha. Padan muka! And best of all, we forgot to put them back! So the next morning she had to put them back herself reluctantly. :D Poor thing. >:)

Every morning, I have a routine. Wake up, take a shower, put on clothes, pray, tie up hair, put on sunscreen, put on contacts. But my favourite part of morning routine would be powdering my face! :O (Oh man another ego moment.) I just like the way the face powder makes my face, um I dunno, presentable? :D I have to buy a new compact powder now all the powder sudah pecah berderai akibat dijatuhkan oleh Aryan.

Today during French there was a lot of angry weird weather. Weather full of hate and anger. There was sudden lightning that might just destroy one's sight. The sudden coming and going of heavy rainfall (it lasted seconds), and the loud groan of thunder that could be the official soundtrack of horror movies. :O I can't explain it. It's... weird. Ooh I love my describing skills. ;)

I have lots of homework. Yay for me, who's a super bad time-organiser. I won't survive the weekend with all my homework done. If I do, it would be a miracle. :( Sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh. I think I hate my life. One of the stupid homework is analyzung this poem with an allemand title. I will never allow the word to appear here. It is such an ugly language. And it will appear in French. Anyway, drima was so action about it and showed off she know the title all that. Whatever, drima. We don't care. French is nice and feminine or as you will say, petite, while allemand is just some kind of guyish masculine violent sounding thing. Maybe that's why she takes it. :D

And I'm getitng so bad at Math. NO WAY! What's wrong with me?! :( I suck. I feel like a total failure now. And because of that, of every subject actually, I feel kinda depressed. If only I lived in a Utopia where you can do anything you want without people judging you. And you never, EVER feel stressed. And you are happy all the time, and pure contentment blissfully fills your heart. But then, every Utopia turns into a Dystopia right?

I have a better idea. I think I'll just become a hermit.


WONDERFUL!! I have 2.4 km tomorrow, 5 stations and a Petit Test tomorrow. YIPPEEEEEEEE!!!! TOMORROW'S GONNA BE A GREAT DAY.

IF you're clever enough, you can see the sarcasm in this torn rose.

Don't ask me what the rose represents or what it has got to do with any of the above activities, I made it up in situ, impromptu and intelligently.

Je ne savais pas.

Oooo! I did not know that visits could become as many as almost 70. I should have given more number places. Not just 5 places but maybe six or seven or even eight! :D

I'm so worried for French test. :S What if...? No, no, no. I don't think I'll let that happen. MUST. STUDY. OR. I. WILL. FAIL. MY. TEST. AND. I. DO. NOT. WANT. TO. FAIL. MY. TEST.

There. 12.19 am. Time to sleep! :)

Why am I thinking of the Titanic?

Vous en voulez plus?

I will tell you more about some other random stuff. Because I wrote down ALL that I wanted to blog about on my post-it pad. Which I conveniently left in class. So, that will be tomorrow(or today since it's hmm... 12.04 am). If you want a post chock-block full of juicy stuff. (In an apple-y kind of manner. No, no, jkjk.)

And you know that post-it where one ANONYMOUS levelmate wrote 'Hi Audi. I love you. From your beloved levelmate.' How sweet! Anyway, turns out it was Xuan Yi who wrote it! Aww....... :) And btw, I kept it in its original state till today. :) I did not allow anyone to destroy it. :J (Not even my desk partner who wanted to draw more hearts on it. :O )

Therefore, I am done.

No wait! I want to say that when something sad is being brought up, I will NOT know how to react. I mena I know, but I guess I'm not so open in comforting. But please know, that I'm comforting you in my heart. (I guess that doesn't help, huh?)

And I think I can confide most in Nicci. DO NOT ASK ME WHY. I just find her easy to talk to. :S

Huh, why do I keep typing this -> ; instead of this -> ' ??? It's damn irritating.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Confusement est source de confusion

I realised that there are only a few people I can really really confide in and trust. Today, I poured out much of my feelings to Nicci, asked Xuan Yi for her priceless opinion and found comfort while talking to Ding Hui. All about the same thing(almost, in was kinda different in Nicci's case).

Do I belong here?

I don't know what I'm thinking but I felt a bit just a teeny weeny bit left out. Call me crazy, but I felt that way.

Or maybe I'm just one of those attention-seekers. Always wanting attention. Maybe, maybe, maybe. What WILL be? I didn't talk this little with them, of course I shared deeper feelings with them. But that, my friends, is between them and me.

Why am I such a bad person? Why do I keep asking people to relive their horrible encounters with life? Why am I always asking if they're anti-anyone? Why must I keep asking for negative stuff? When will I finally realise that that is not important? When will I finally see? (Or maybe when will YOU finally see that I just want to understand more about relationships here.)

Confusement is confusing.

Des larmes de bonheur

Today was promotion day. Who doesn't know?

It is all over the news. Ok, not really but still. One of the major events so far. And us Sec 2s, got promoted to LANCE CORPORAL!!!!!!!

I was hoping terribly that my name would not be the first just 'cause I wanna see how the others go about etc but thanks to my namers, I went first. And I went 'Great'. And then proceeded to screw up my footdrill. :S (Oh my, I seem to be using this emoticon more often today.)

Well, I saw everyone receive the chests of treasure with a huge smile on their faces, and I do not know why but suddenly I felt so happy and light and carefree that I almost shed tears of happiness.

I have never done this before but now I know how it feels like. You just feel so happy you think your chest might explode, then, you just... cry. With a smile on your face. :) It's actually a nice feeling.

I've never cried out of happiness for ANYONE not even myself. I'll just smile damn stupidly if I feel sooooo happy.

Does this mean that I really, really, REALLY love my levelmates?

Guess so.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


(Recently...) I feel kinda lazy to blog. I'll try to keep it alive, I SWEAR!! :O


What's wrong with my little fishies? Why are they not appearing? <:(

Les Ampoules

Since today school ended at 1.10pm and I had to wait till 3pm for LA remedial, I had an hour 50 mins all to myself. So after going to the library for a while with Siti, I decided to sweep the class which was absolutely FILTHY. Let me tell you, I had to empty the dustpan 5 times before I was satisfied. And some people helped with the stuff of course like Angeline, and SITI of course!!! :)

Well, anyway I used up 95% of my free time cleaning cleaning cleaning. I swear I got OCD from Jan. Every little thing MUST be swept up. Or I will feel so uncomfy. :(

Well, towards the end, I felt so tired. My back was aching from all that bending. My hands sore and red from constant sweeping motion. (Get it? Sweeping motion? Sweep? NVM. -.-) My whole body just begging for a rest after sweeping for an hour and a half non-stop. But no, of course I did not stop. Not even when Angeline offered help, or when Siti told me to not overwork myself. But I was so determined. Why? :L

I know, do you know? No you don't so I'm gonna tell you now.

It's that burning desire to want to contribute, you know. Or maybe not. It's that even more burning desire to actually conquer this challenge (and chore- Get it? CHORE? :D NVM. =.=) and be able to proudly say that 'I swept the whole class myself, all by myself. I did not stop. I did not rest. I just swept, and swept, and swept. Did you?'

So the class duty roster is useless. No one bothers. So the class looks more like a shithole than a class. Mr Cho promised us 5 happy notes if he is REALLY impressed with class cleanliness, since he wanted to 'motivate' us and was damn exasperated with the damn messy and dirty classsroon.

So yes, I swept. For the class, and maybe for me. To show that I'm really not that worthless.

And after the LA remedial, I stayed back a teeny weeny bit with Siti to touch up the class.

And Mr Cho, you BETTER be happy with the class. AND GIVE US AT LEAST 2 HAPPY NOTES. OR ELSE.

I even got blisters.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Too many posts? I don't care because there's just SO much I want to tell. And sometimes, I just... forget. I'm getting old each second, see? Sigh.

Oh! I have a fake angel! :D How nice. And she reads my blog! (She said so.) :O Meaning she'll see this very post. Ooohhh....... :) I'll try to reply ASAP and give her nice stuff. :)

AND my real Angel and Ward STILL have not replied/written. :L

It sounds like heavy rain but I look out the window and see slight drizzles. Hmm... Maybe not. The wind blows in cool, cool air that envelopes me in a reassuring embrace.

And you know what? My brother, Aryan, is saying 'school sedia' again and again and again thanks to Adani my P1 sister. Aryan is almost 4. Budding commander? :P

Comment puis-je vivre?

Today during recess i felt very lost. I know why but I don't wanna state here. So... :) They will say I kept asking "Did any of our levelmates die?" :'(

It's darkening so fast now. Dark dark dark. Woooo!!!! Need to switch on the light now.

Ah.... Much brighter. :)

I don't know what I will do
I'll be lost if I lost you

La blague du jour

My father told me a joke once...

What do you say when you fart?
In America...
Farter: Excuse me!
In Britain...
Farter: Pardon me!
In Singapore...
Farter: Not me! Not me!


L'amour superficiel?

After school, I went to the Red Cross board and saw Jan OCDing with the board. She was aligning the pegs, making sure they had the equal amount of space in between. She made sure the little paper men and women and children were straight and and not bent. She even moved the boxes of bottles so the whole area looks symmetrical. I've never seen this OCD side of her, and I'm sure I pissed her off when my itchy hands pulled the string of pegs down TWICE. It was definitely an interesting experience. :)And sorry for pissing you off Jan. :O

When we took the bus together, we talked about RC and stuff. I told her about the unspoken dislike relationships that exist in our level. And she was so shocked! So so SO surprised. Because then she wondered, whether we are really that bonded. If we have so many people secretly disliking each other. She said that she did not even know if I like her or not. But of course I do! Well, I used to be intimidated by her, but now I'm not, kay? She's like one of my bezzies. And anyway, she feels surprised.

Me too, when I was enlightened.

Is this love superficial?

World War 3 is coming.

I don't want us to fall out and fight. :(

Monday, April 19, 2010

Je veux dire une chose

The poem below may not be a poem and it may sound shallow, but hey! I'm amateur see? And anyway, dreams seem like that to me. ;) Puh-leez don't bother about the title having nothing to do with the poem contents. <:) Who's in charge here, huh?

And one more thing also. You know why I would like to go to the airport anyway? BECAUSE I want to see those poor stranded travellers. >:) Hehehehe..... BUT I couldn't differentiate between the stranded and the normal though. :L They all looked the same.

And you know what I heard? Those flying with Singapore Airlines were given cup noodles and some other stuff but those with Malaysian Airlines got hotel accomodations lah blah blah blah lah, etc. :O But so what, I still love Singapore. :) Not more than I love French though. Teehee!

Hey, why can't some people post long-long and many-many like me huh? I very bored you know? And I can't read my own blog posts, can I?! Tsk tsk tsk.

You're the best
And yes, I do regret
How I could let
Let you go
Oh, and now,
Now the lesson's learnt
I touched and I was burnt
Oh, I think you should know.

La Lavande


Funny little screenings
that appear
whenever your eyes
and close to sleep
you aren't
aware of
your surroundings
as much as
you are
aware of
your feet.

Nocturnal beings
that come out
only at night
you just might
spot them
the day

When they happen
the dream
and only the dream
and nothing else

make you feel important
Don't they?

For you
are the main character

make all the decisions

You choose how to act

Brad Pitt
nor Angelina Jolie
nor Miley Cyrus

are when dreams
are not treasured.

© Audi, April 2010

Le dessert avant le plat principal

Today started very, VERY shittily. First, I woke up at 5.35 am instead of the 5 am I was hoping for. Next, I forgot that my left contact lens was in the case when I poured the solution out, so the lens dropped into the sink. And I was like 'Oh my shit.' But luckily it sticked to the side of my sink so that's like so damn lucky. If not $70 would have gone down the drain, literally.

And that stupid effing Physics Test which I most DEFINITELY screwed up. I won't be surprised if I even FAIL. But whatever. And then I was falling asleep through History and Geog which were back-to-back. Why are they called Humanities when those very subjects can be so INHUMANE at times? Stupid names.

Then after that I waited until 3.30 for my sister because I THOUGHT she had gym. But she did not so I waited for NOTHING. And since we were going to the airport after that, Mama offered to pick me up from school and then immediately go to the airport.

After that , things started to get much, much, MUCH better. Like, phew! Because Shireen was there(Not Haiqal and Daiyana of course they can't be bothered I bet they don't even know Nyai is going umrah). And yeah, blah blah blah. We were sending Nyai for her umrah(if that is not already apparent).

(I'm sorry details might get a little messy from here. <:) )

Well, to cut a long story short, at the airport I drank a cup of DELICIOUS hot chocolate. :d And then while waiting for 6.30 to come, we patronised Polar cafe version. And my oh my, we ate and ate and ate and ate and stuffed ourselves with their puffs, cakes, eclairs, etc, etc.

I had a big slice of YUMMY moist chocolate cake. ;) NICE. I had so much chocolate in me. Like dessert before the main course.

Soon after, we sent Nyai. :( She's gonna be gone for 2 weeks. :( Not that I visit her every week, but. Must all my favourite grandparents(maternal side) go first?

And suddenly, I had this sudden urge to do footdrill?! Not that I like footdrill much or something. But I tell you, the feeling was very peculiar. I wanted to the 'Hormat menerima barang ke hadapan hormat' command most especially. I was like (half-march) check up check down check check, check up check down check check, check up check down check, turn check bang, etc etc etc. Maybe it's nerves. Will I get promoted this Thursday?

One more thing that made my day.

Since this morning, I was begging, BEGGING the radio station to play Gravity by Pixie Lott(in my head of course). But in the morning it didn't, what ARE the odds anyway. :(
BUT! On the way to the airport they played it! :D And after one lame song, they played the song I next feel very connected with, that is Thinking of You by Katy Perry. What ARE the odds, eh? :) Because these two songs really remind me of someone whom I am just horribly and wrongly obsessed with, too much for my own good actually.

Everytime I'm ready to leave
I seem to be pulling in the wrong direction
Diving in with no protection
And you can't keep steering me wrong
How gravity
Pulling me back, pulling me in
Why you pulling me back, pulling me in
Just like gravity

Be quiet, let me leave let me go
Don't say another word
'Cause with every sound
You pulling me down
Baby, you gotta hold on me
Like gravity

Comparisons are easily done once you've
Had a taste of perfection
Like an apple hanging
From a tree
I picked the, ripest one
I still got the seed

You said move on, where do I go?
I guess that second best is all I will know

'Cause when I'm with him,
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do
If you were the one who was
Spending the night
Oh, I wish that I
Were looking into your eyes

Can't wait to see you again.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Laissez-moi tranquille!

On Friday after level lunch, I realised I had a super big pimple on my face. It wasn't there that morning.

I tell you, if it were a wee bit bigger and redder and if it were right smack in the middle, between my eyebrows, just a little bit more to the right, I could have passed as a married Indian lady.

Quand demain venir?

When will tomorrow come?

I can't wait to get the weekends to end.

I hate my family life.

Now that everything wrong that happens is my fault.

I can't wait to see my levelmates, again.

Maybe, just maybe.

The excuse teengaers use.

The one that says their friends understand them more than family.

May be true.

After all.





I'm so sorry, French Textbook. I didn't mean for you to get hurt. :'(

Je sais ce qu'il faut ajouter!

I remember now! :D

First I want to say that my sister and I are on rough patches. Like one moment, we're ok with each other, then the next we are fighting over I-also-don't-know-what. Sigh. :( You know like a few months ago she was my best friend (until I really fell in love with you). But for the five days she was gone, I think I experienced peaceful bliss. Then when she came back, I feel so cramped, like my space had been intruded. And so I got irritated so easily. :(

And you know the hiccup-stopper recipe? Yeah, thank Angeline my lab-partner for that. :)

ARGH! When will my RC Angel write to me? I feel so Angel-less. Like Los Angeles. No angel. What crap AM I talking? I don't know. :L

Hmm... Commonwealth Essay is kinda easy to write. Just the introductory paragraph is like 100 words. And it's supposed to be at least 500 words long. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. I'm writing on the mad scientist. What about YOU? :P

Argh, I'm so scared that I might not get at least 75% for RCV Silver Accred. That's like I think maximum 7 wrong. :( Maybe I get 8 wrong. :( :( :( But it was satisfying when I actually know the answers. :) Doesn't ensure anything though. :(

Next, I'd like to clarify the meaning of 'si'. I said it means 'if', Miselle said it means 'so'. So yeah, I looked it up and I saw that it means

a) If. YAY!!
b) So. Argh, fine you're right also.
c) Yes. Yes, it means yes.

So it seems that I am right, Miselle is right, and so are the Spanish.

Bon nuit, mes amies!

Since no guys read this blog and I have more than one reader, there you are, feminine plural form of 'ami'. :D Oh, I know. RANDOM.

Ok, add on. Because it was already so long the post below this one.

I wanted to say that I made the blog post below super duper long to make up for almost 3 days of no-show. Like MC, see? Or extra credit.

Ah.... I KNOW there was something I wanted to add on, but I FORGOT what. Yay me.

For now, I'll just say,

Good Night! My lovely dearies!


Oh, I wrote a poem. I'll post it soon. :)

Enjoy the light suspence! ;)
(Topped with a seducing sleepy feeling with extra crunchy and tangy bits of excitement)

Bon Nuit! :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Trop désolé!!

My blog is so sorry for being um, dead for some time. It caught the flu bug. :( A few doses of free time was what it needed. So, yes it's on the mend, I hope. :)

I have a LOT to talk about but. I don't know where to start.


OH-EM-GEE!!! You know what?!?!?! I got French storybooks to read!! :D Isn't that great?? But 2 only, that was the maximum we could borrow. Wish I could borrow, like MORE. One of the books is the French version of The Magic Treehouse series. God, I loved those when I was in primary school, especially the one on Titanic. It's so wonderful to read them in my favourite language, hahaha. But Jack and Annie are now Tom et Léa. :O

You know what else, I wish for? That we could ALL live together in a nice big bungalow and talk everyday, and hang out everyday, and do everything together everyday(except for certain stuff of course). I say man that would be fine! :) By 'ALL' you know who I am talking about, right? Right. Duh, levelmates!

Good, I still have a crush on them. Hehehe... NOT IN THAT WAY, K?

Yesterday, was a SUPER busy day. As you know, there was Sports Day, so I had to wake up extra early. And the marching contingent COULD NOT MARCH because of the freaking weather. Like WTH?! :( I DO want to see them march. Hmph.

Then after that, level outing, where I realised that we have such different taste buds. And Sec 3s practically CRASHED our photo shoot. :) Yeah, purposely made us sound glamorous.

And AFTER that I had French. Where I fell asleep for just a tiniest moment. It seems that I would suddenly jerk awake everytime I fall asleep during French class, and stay awake. Don't know why.

And EVEN AFTER that I went to the airport to fetch Anis from her Brunei trip. She got me a pretty flower diamond bracelet, costing $9.90. You know Brunei currency is EQUAL 100% to S'pore's currency? Cool, eh? :)

And we ate at Popeye's. Warning: DO NOT TRY THIS ANYWHERE. The food was... ok. But the prices was damn expensive. like, $28 for food eough for 3. So... major fail. -.-

When we got home, I had a fight with Anis. It went something like this...

Anis on the bed, sleeping.
Anis: Mph... Your bed right?

(I proceed to shower FINALLY at around 11.45pm)
(After that was done... Went back to room)

ME: ANIS!!!!!! WAKE UP LAH!!!!!!
Anis: WHAT?!

(Seeing she did not stir, I took a post-it pad and threw it to her.)
(And she woke up immediately, took her pillow and blanket, and stomped out the room to sleep on the sofa outside)

And I got scolded by my mother for 'not being respectful' and blah blah blah.

That night, I cried myself to sleep. BUT.

Not a single tear for the incident. Sure, the scolding made me feel, um, emotional?

But I had better reason to cry.

I am so scared that my best friends will fall out with each other. I bet you know who I am talking about. :( 2 very best friends out of my around 10. Are being disliked. And I felt SO sad. Because I know how it feels. To just. Be. Ignored. And. Left out. Unsmiling.

And it's a horrible feeling. Really.

I welled up too during Sports Day. Seeing her like that. But Chen Yee was nice, she was comforting. :) I love you too Chen Yee. :D

Lame but COOL jokes:

1. Winnie the pooh. Courtesy of Anis

While watching a tv program on bears,
Anis: Why is winnie the pooh yellow, not dark brown or black, like normal bears? Maybe he got pee-ed instead of pooh-ed. :D

2. H20. Courtesy of my wonderful brain

After seeing a H20 ad at Newton MRT station, I think.
Hmm... 'hydrate, Inspire, Conquer'
That makes HIC.
So, the subliminal message here, children, is

TEEHEE!! (Darn Miselle, you influential person)

How to Stop Hiccups
Ingredients: Your Mouth, your brain, conscience, and eyes
Steps: Use eyes to read. Then use your mouth to breathe in and out deep yet quickly. And then suddenly, hold your breath for about 10 seconds or more. Let it Out. It should be fine now, or else repeat above steps till it's ok.

How to Tell Others How to Stop Hiccups
Ingredients: Your mouth, your memory, hiccups(preferably)
Steps: Use mouth to regurgitate steps above based on memory. Demonstrate method using real hiccups for better effects.

HAVE FUN!! :) (Though I REALLY don't know have fun for what)

No, I like you too much for my own good.

Vivre par l'honneur, de servir avec fierté.

To live by honour, to serve with pride.

What does it really, really, REALLY mean?

Do we know?

Or are we just chanting it, like some mantra, whenever it's time for a water parade, or when the NCOs shout SCRCY?

I don't know. I think I don't.

It's so shallow.

What is living by honour?

Um, to be honoured that we're in Red Cross?

To serve with pride?

Ah, to be proud that we are serving others?

I'm not quite in the mood to think right now.

But this will forever be food for thought.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Je vois.

ARGH!! WHY?! All wait no, MOST of my cousins are turning into, I don't know. HOOLIGANS?! YES, THAT'S IT. HOOLIGANS. GAH!!

The only good people are Husna, Khaliq, and Shireen. Fullstop. Out of the 10 cousins I have. Only 3 are good? Ok, wait make that 8 cousins. 2 of my very much older than me cousins cannot still be immatured and hooliganny right? Right.

Evidence: Look at the way she writes. Look at who she hangs out with. Look at how she speaks! ILI! WHY ARE YOU BECOMING A MINAH?!?!?!

So conclusion: 3 out of 8 cousins are angelic. The rest are just plain @#$%^&*&^%$#@.

C'est peu clair.

Today was.. today. Some funny/weird/suckish things happened so yeah. I'm posting this kinda late because well, I'll explain later. Sigh... This blog post today will be as boring as hell.

Best thing today: Since we're doing 'ringkasan' or summary now for HMT, Cikgu was doing some summary practices with us. Like how to write a summary, important points, etc. AND YOU KNOW WHAT?? She just decided to give us all 18/20 for the PRACTICE summary we did and practically copied from her example FOR FREE!! Do you like, get what I'm saying? Btw, this component falls under daily work so. Yep. :O :P :D

Ow ow ow. Just bumped my ankle on the table edge. <:'O Ow ow ow.

Something seriously retarded: You know the 'fun' assembly we had today, the International Friendship Day Conference Fun-O-Rama? Yeah well there's one representative from India with a surname sounding like Chakraborty or sth idk idc. So drima was like 'hey you stole my name!' (imagine the tone to be like a ducky pouty kinda tone, yeah?) AND SHE KEPT SAYING THAT AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN UNTIL I GOT SO PISSED. Because you wanna know sth? She doesn't even use her real surname in WS and stuff. You wanna know what she writes as her name? drima chuck. So what's the point of screaming that her name was stolen if she doesn't use it? Like a white elephant. Or in this case, black elephant. HAHAHA. Oh. Am I getting too racist? Oops. Sorry. :) And I realised that she has double-chin. Poor Siti needs to sit beside this freak. :(

Something anoying: Well, today I had to go for Project CanalWatch water testing somewhere near KK. So me and Jiun Ning waited outside lvl 2 staffroom. And waited for Amierah. But she didn't come for a long time, until 2 plus because upper sec ends sch at 2. Toughie huh? So we called Mrs Cha and she told us to look for Mr Jo. But we found out he went for the NCC thing and would be back after 4. <<<:O So yep, I waited with Jiun Ning and Amierah at the canteen until 4 plus! (Oh and I got so bored with my Math Graded Assignment I started poking my socks with my mechanical pencil :P) Then we met Mr Jo at the bus bay, where he was talking to the NCC girls, who were in sekuad form. :D Then we got into his car, and the NCC ppl were looking at us wonderingly. I felt sooo VIPish. :D Anyway, yeah, he drove us to the hotspot and we did testing blah blah blah then when it was over he sent us to the United Square (the place we went for Arts Fest 'shopping' right?) where the Novena MRT station was. AND OMG we were all trying to not get tempted by the pretty bags and pretty shoes and pretty clothes. :O ARGHHHH!! MUST FIND PRETTY FRENCH TOP AT COTTON ONNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!

Something rare n' hilarious: Ever heard a teacher sing? A Justin Bieber song? I have. Kudos to Mr Jo for making a fool of himself in his car. :D JKJK. It was very funny. And we laughed a lot.

Oh right. Why this post is so late. I came home only at 6pm. And then I ate dinner and slept till 8.30pm. :O And then I showered till like 9 plus. Then I did all my French homework because tmr I'll have no brains to comprehend the words after Red Cross. :S So that ate up much of my time. And I haven't done my Art and Math due tmr. :( I guess I'll ask someone to help me with it(Math).

I bet you a hundred dollars you were bored by this post so much you'd rather watch the ceiling light for 6 hours straight.

Monday, April 12, 2010


During the 'birthday party'...
Siti and I walking back to class after HMT...
Mr Cho standing outside the closed door of class...

Mr Cho: Hurry, hurry! They are inside already.
(Obviously he knows about the 'secret' b'day party...)
S and I: Ok, ok! (half-run to class)
Inside the class...
Class rep Elizabeth: Ok everyone hide, later we jump out when Mr Cho comes in!
(Opens the door...)
Class rep Elizabeth: Oh hi, Mr Cho!
(fake surprised voice)
(Mr Cho comes in...)
(whole class laughs)
Mr Cho: Seems like whenever we have class parties, there would be an element of pretence. Remember the last time? We had to pretend the candles on the cake were lit.
Someone: Ya, now you must pretend to be surprised.

While playing on the pri sch b-ball court...
The game where one tries to bend backwards as low as possible under the low, low line to get across...

Hannah gets to go past the first time, and everyone is impressed.
Someone: Make lower, make lower!
Hannah: Aiyah, cannot go so low, I'm not wearing shorts. <:)
Someone: Ok, never mind. Mr Cho! Come play!
Mr Cho: Ah me? Cannot, cannot. I'm not wearing shorts also.


Je tu hais

You think what you so good? That all the boys like you? I don't think so. You just acting cute, that's all and it's not even working. You flirt with the teachers even with the form teacher?! What a retard. Wear so tight and all and you think nerd glasses are nice? i don't think so. What a retard. Paint toenails even though you're not having your period. Your father don't scold? Your mother? Show off your iPhone everytime in school and class. So what. My parents' iPhones are nicer. Sit like one ah pek some more. Your father don't scold? Your mother?




You are mine, ALL mine!!

Ce Qu'ils Aiment

Oh yes, today was one of those unexplainably good days! Even though level recess was kinda quiet because there were only 4-5 of us because Nicole and maybe Alyssa went home because they were not feeling well. Get well soon, k? :)

Why today was good.

Firstly, it was Mr Cho's birthday so we had a class party during his lesson which was practically pizza-eating, 7-up-drinking, yummy-peach-tea-gulping, mentos-and-fruitplus-and-kopiko-consuming, marshmallow-stuffing fiesta! Sounds fun? You bet! So like half of lesson time was spent having fun! :) And then we started on Found Poems, basically just something you find in a random place but you change it a little to become sort of a poem. Here's one I made earlier!

Kimmy made me post this
morning's incident. Because

it concerned the pea thing
I got from my ex-ward.

before that,
let me
tell you
our current latest draft.

Cool huh? :D

Then during CE, we had almost nothing to do. So we played at the pri basketball court. Then, Mr Cho bought us ice-cream potong! I took durian instead of corn. What a yummy thing to eat under the blazing hot sun. ;) I guess it was like a thank-you for the party or sth. And tomorrow, he won't be coming to school. Because, he, has, fencing. AWESOME!

Then during HMT, Cikgu was just chit-chatting with us about the Carnival and stuff even though we were supposed to do our work. :P Heh heh. Cikgu's my favourite teacher. :) OH YOU KNOW WHAT? Cikgu told us that the girl caught talking to the SJI boy was APPROACHED BY MS KOH! :O Oooooooh......

I got a dilemma. Siti told me that drima never went to the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve for Geog PT and copied her answers from Zia Xin, who actually told her!! >:( NOT FAIR!! We went, hiked, wrote, and she didn't even lift a finger?! Bloody hell. Siti and I are comtemplating whether or not to report it to Ms Ku. On one hand, we'll be truthful little angels. On the other, we would just be little tattle-tales. And drima or zx wouldn't wanna talk to us. But then, who cares. Not that I like drima anyway. So should I tell Ms Ku?

Girls, if someone comes to you and ask for answers, don't try to be smart and give it to them.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Quelques-uns de mes illuminations...

1. I realised that I am SUCH an attention-lover. I always want to be a part of any action and will feel happy seeing my name there.
2. I realised that vanilla is naturally a black bean but turns out white and cocoa is naturally a white bean but turns out dark.
3. I realised that Kinder Joy rhymes with Chocolate comes with Toy!
4. I realised that that I am very possessive.
5. I realised that nobody ever uses the other computer now that this one's here.
6. I realised that Papa never checks his ChartNexus anymore.
7. I realised that I enjoy watching Malay cooking shows on TV.
8. I realised that Lavender and French are my two ultimate favourite stuff.
9. I realised that I look so pretty.
10.I realised that I can be so happy and so sad in the same minute.
11.I realised that I'd been moodier this month.
12.I realised that I post multiple times per day.
13.I realised that everything on this list starts with 'I realised that...'.

Oui, j'agree.

What I got at the Carnival: 2 pairs of ear-studs from 2SE's stall :), and some stuff for RC ward, COOKIES AND CREAM ICE-CREAM, (thanks to Nicole) Planet 51 file and stickers, clips and a monkey toy!! :) And some other random stuff I forgot. :)

What rides I took? Viking ship(teeheehee), and METEORITE!! It was.... cool. No other better word. WHOOSHWHEEEEEEEWHAAAAAAAAAAAARGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Went for Haunted House with Jan, Alyssa, Nicole, Wenn Lin, Cheryl, Nicolette and my kaypochikopeh sister but split up into two groups. They made us watch a video in the dark about a girl who had plastic surgery at SGH that made her 'look like a monster' and they told her to 'go kill yourself' so she did and then she continued haunting SGH that later closed down and reopened as Happy Hospital and many other girls like her died. Then we walked through the rooms and they started scaring us like suddenly jump out, reach out, scream out etc. Then we crawled through a tunnel and more scaring continued. The funny part was when the doctor who's-supposed-to-be-scary jumped out and said 'hello' in a weird way. And Jan went, "er.. hi." very calmly. hahaha. they're not scary, they're just SC girls. :) And all this while my sis was digging her nails into my arm, tugging at my skirt and pushing herself so close to me. -.- scaredy cat.

SC CARNIVAL WAS DA BOMB!!! Why can't we have it, like, every week or something. :D

So anyway, today I FINALLY went to Cotton On to try to find the pretty pretty pretty tank top with French words on it but there wasn't such thing in Orchard Cotton On. :( So I just got a purple plain tank top with a black cardigan to match my pre-bought purple wavy floral silky skirt. :) Nice, huh? :D I'm almost satisfied. ;D

What homework do I have? HMT only? Great! Tomorrow will be a PERFECT day. :J

PS. Why some people say I have long lashes?? They're so short!! I'm jealous of my brother's WAY LONGER ones. :O

PSS. Aiming for full marks for Math test! :)

Oui, je suis content, merci. :)

Ah......... So tired. Slept at 1 am on Thursday so on Friday I was pretty flunked. And I fell half-asleep during French class for the first time. Only to awaken after realising I wrote Taiwan on my notebook while sub-consciously thinking about it while writing notes which Mme Pang was telling which my brain still registered. :o

AND I HAD RUN MY 10 ROUNDS!! Isn't that wonderful?! But felt dizzy and vomitty after that. WHAT ABOUT 12 ROUNDS????? :S

SC CARNIVAL WAS THE BEST CARNIVAL IN SINGAPORE!!! Spent all my coupons (Around $40 or $50) there even after recceiving $16 more by Nicole, because she doesn't know what to do with all her coupons. And she let me redeem the 19 tokens and keep the prizes. :) THANKS NICOLE, YOU'RE SO AWESOME!! <3

AH............... Too tired to type. TTYT.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Je t'aime.

I realised something. I do not like RC lessons at all. Not one bit. (Ok maybe I do like OA but well.) So what is it that is keeping my heart in the red coloured five squares? Levelmates, comrades, levelmates.

They give you nice warm fuzzy feelings whenever you laugh together, cry together, get angry together. Nice warm fuzzy feelings because these are what bonds us together, what makes us officially the MOST BONDED CCA IN SEC2 LEVEL!

Hmm... I have no idea what nice warm fuzzy feelings have got to do with being THE MOST BONDED CCA IN SEC2 LEVEL! But they are connected, in some way. I don't know what.

But I DO know that I really love you.

And all those times I said I don't, it's just PMS.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Je suis hereuse, pour maintenant.

Ha...... Today was satisfying. School was okay I guess. I think this time I'll highlight the after school activities. We had face-painting course! Well, me and Abi anyway. So I had to report late for RC. :(
But let me tell you one thing that I really really, um, am thankful and happy for. You know, I used to have this mild dislike for Abi because she can be so like Bemjamin sometimes, cynical. But just now, while painting each others' faces(she paints mine then I paint hers) we managed to talk so much about practically everything from life to family to enemies and even PMS! It was like talking to a long-lost friend. She just listened to me while I talked and talked randomly and said 'cool' or 'wow nice' at every suitable interval and she was so interesting to talk with because we are such good listeners. :) She was like very understanding and I don't know, we just confided! And she did not even make me feel like I was talking stupid things, even though I was. She made stupid things sound sensible. Ya know? That feeling when you can talk about anything and everything? It was... nice. I'm sorry. I know this is a very messy post with information of different categories strewn everywhere. But I can't organise my myriad of feelings. :J I just feel so glad to know that there ARE such people in the world, and I see them everyday, almost. :) Thanks Abi.

For RC, I'll just talk about punishments. One thing: I hated having to do only 10 push-ups. I wished we could do more. PUNISHMENTS ARE FUN. No wonder they said it was such a memorable part of RC, before they got scrapped. Wonder what happened.


Je ne sais pas.

My History PT sucks lah. :(
I can't believe it.
Damn horrible.
I don't know what else to say.
I wish you won't read it.
Mr Ang is the only authorised personnel.

History PT- Terrorism and Its Impact on Singapore

From the sources shown below, it is clear that there are many acts of terrorism. One of the incidents involving terrorism would be of course, the bombings on the World Trade Center on the 11th of September 2001. These bombings were a series of coordinated suicide attacks by the Al-Qaeda On the morning of the tragic day, four commercial airlines were hijacked and two were used to crash into the twin towers of the World Trade Center, which collapsed two hours after the plane crashes. As a result, 2973 cicilians and 19 hijackers were killed.

Another example of terrorism would be the 2004 Madrid train bombings. The terrorists were 'Al-Qaeda-inspired' and the bombings were carried out three days before the general elections would be held to show anger at Spain's two main political parties accusing each other of concealing evidence for electoral purpose. The bombings caused 191 deaths and around 1800 casualties. In the wake of the heightened security concerns, especially the train bombings of Madrid, as the targets are mainly the commuter lines, several measures were taken by the Singapore government to ensure better security in Singapore, and to hopefully prevent such incidents from happening here. A few months after the train bombings, SBS Transit and SMRT Corporation employed unarmed guards to patrol the train stations and platforms, and check the belongings of commuters to ensure there was nothing suspicious. The use of closed-circuit cameras(CCTVs) were also used, as well as announcements to report any suspicious-looking commuters or items.

However, there is yet another impact of terrorism. As there is much violence in the Middle East countries like Iraq and Saudi Arabia, oil-producing countries, terrorist attacks may cause interruptions to oil-producing facilities. As seen in Source C, the sabotaged oil facilities cause the oil supply to decrease. Because of the high demand for oil, a decreased supply can cause a rise in oil prices. This is especially so because Saudi Arabia is the largest oil-producing country. Therefore, if the price of oil increases suddenly in Singapore, it may cause another economy downturn. As much of the tax put on goods is based on oil, used for transportation of the goods, a sudden hike in prices may cause a huge deterioration in the economy.

From the evidence collated, one can see the different impacts of terrorism from the political, social and even economic areas of Singapore. Each source shows the different situations of terrorism and the explanations therefore highlight the different impacts of terrorism on Singapore. To handle the situations, the Singapore government has stepped up security measures, especially in MRT stations and trains. For example, more patrols are being held, CCTVs are used to be able to monitor the stations and the public's co-operation is sought with the request to report any suspicion of items or people. Terrorism also has a great impact on oil production and a sharp decrease in the supply due to terrorist sabotages could unbalance the economy as there is a very high demand for oil. Hence, I can conclude that terrorism has many different impacts on our lives.

1) Singapore economy to weaken

2)2004 Madrid Train Bombings

3)Security on the Mass Rapid Transit(Singapore)

4)September 11 Attacks

History PT- Terrorism and Its Impact on S'pore (Sources)

Source A
A picture showing the bombings on the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001
Source B
A news article on the cause of rising oil prices due to terrorism

The world's major oil consumers remain dependant on the Middle East for their oil. Recent violence in Iraq and Arabia has again raised fears about an interruption to supplies.

Iraqi exports have been cut by sabotage attacks on oil facilities. The reduction in prices has been relatively modest but it has caused some doubts about Iraq's longer term prospects of becoming a large and stable oil exporter.

Attacks on foreign workers in Saudi Arabia by Al-Qaeda-inspired millitants have also increased tensions. Any substantial attack on Saudi oil facilities would be a major event for world oil markets. The country is the world's biggest producer and, by far, the biggest exporter.

Source C
An article on the 2004 Madrid train bombings
During the peak of Madrid rush hour on the morning of Tuesday, 11 March 2004, ten explosions occured aboard four commuter trains. All the affected trains were travelling on the same line and the same direction between Acala de Henares and the Atocha station in Madrid. It was later reported that thirteen improvised explosive devices(IEDs) had been placed on the train. Bomb-disposal teams (TEDAX) arriving at the scenes of the explosives detonated two of the remaining three IEDs in controlled explosions, but the third was not found until later in the evening, having been stored inadvertently, with luggange taken from one of the trains.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Et aussi...

Whatever I said about the existence of perfect days, forget it. THERE'S NO SUCH THING.

And I'll never give myself to another the way I gave it to you.
You don't even recognize the ways you've hurt me, do you?
It's gonna take a miracle to bring me back.
And you're the one to blame.

Pendant tout ce temps, j'étais dans le faux.

Dear Fulscap paper,
Today I feel so damn angry and frustrated. Today I did Footdrill with levelmates of course. Nicci was tutoring me. Then, halfway, Jayasree came. Then N said, "Why didn't you come for FD?" She said oh so indifferently, "Oh, Carlyn dragged me to recess, like this." And then she dragged MY arm. When I was trying to do FD. Nice. So then we continued FD.

Then this retarded freak from I-also-don't-know-where started saying things like, "Oh, you're on the wrong foot," and "wrong timing!" and even "why you move so much?" Kpo son of a cat
The last three words were edited to censor the super vulgar word. She's not even in RC FGS! for goodness' sake Freaking outsiders. So I decided to 'fall out' and join Nicolette's little skuad. But I was afraid to annoy her(because of my horrible FD). SO never mind. Anyway, I tried complaining to Alyssa. She kept saying "Relax, relax! OK I GET IT OK I GET IT OK I GET IT OK I GET IT OK I GET IT!!"

Note: When I'm complaining in a hurt and frustrated manner, NEVER say 'relax', 'chill', 'cool down', 'calm down', etc. I will feel worse, way worse and more angry/frustrated/sad/upset. I am trying to get my feelings out and you want to keep them in me? >:( At least on paper, no one can stop MY ventings. What I need, really, is just a hug, even if it lasts one second, and "It's alright it's really gonna be alright" to go with it.

Ok ANYWAY, I managed to release some anger out to Nicole, but it went back into me because she ended it abruptly. Don't know why.

I was angry. Nobody noticed me. Nobody comforted me. Even when I grabbed my things noisily. Even when I rushed past them all. Even when I DRAGGED.

I feel so melancholic right now. I hate my levelmates.

I miss my levelmates.

Sigh... This time round Ms Cramps did not come. But the substitute teacher was Mr Mood Extreme Swings. Is that good or bad? Which is better? Please tell me what you think. <:) I hope I return to normal soon. I hate hating my very best friends.

BTW, I REALLY do NOT hate you dear levelmates. Just that... I don't KNOW!! I'm sorry if you feel offended if you read this post but I hope that you'll understand me better if I just talk straight. That's all. But I still love you.

Who am I living for?
Is this my limit?
Can I endure some more?
Chances I'm given,
Question Existing.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

C'était Un BON Jour!

Alhamdulillah, today was perfectly perfect! :3 I cannot believe it! How wonderful today had been! In school, I had a test, Geography. Read about it below. ;) And after that was Physics. So-so but I learnt something(right?). During Math, Miss Lim did not come. But we continued with the pop quiz. Hoping to get 10/10. It was hopelessly easy.

And then recess! WITH LEVELMATES!!! I think I have a crush on my levelmates or something. I love them SOSOSO MUCH!! Ok. During recess, I ate a nice meal, rice with chicken almost-curry. :d With hands!! :)

After that came HMT!! My favourite lesson after Math. We had to write a dialogue about two friends talking about whether it was hard or not to ensure a close family bond. That was fun because I was and AM very sure my idea was innovative and new! And I knew what to write because as it was based on the newspaper article last Wednesday, I came nicely prepared. ;) I enjoyed THAT lesson.

AND to end the beautiful day (not end really but oh well)... TWO FREE PERIODS IN CS!!! It's just me and the computer! :D And I brought my MP3 player down because of the headphones. So I plugged the MP3 into the computer because I thought of listening to Il Avait Les Mots from there since the YouTube audio was damn horrible and guess what? My MP3 player started charging!! And by the time school ended, the battery was full, ready for me to listen to a perfect form of Il Avait les Mots non-stop on the way home! :P Which, of course, I did.

And on the way home on the MRT (at Khatib), who should I meet but dear Cara, one of my best friends from primary school! Of course, we lived in the same condo with a block just next to each other! Yep, we caught up with each other and she said she's gonna have a Geog Test on Thursday too! :O WHAT A COINCIDENCE!! ;D And on Agriculture too. :) Good luck, dearie! :)

And today I have the whole day to myself since I have no more tuition. So long, Kumon! Oh, the whole day to study, do work, and go Facebook-ing! :) Oh, what a day. What a beautiful day!

And guess what my dear friends? The only lessons tomorrow are Art, Lang Arts and Math! A mix of so-so, hate and love!

Si tu n'etais plus la :)

Today was Geog Test. At the start of the day, Mrs Tang said, "Up on your feet, girls, and have a great day!"
And then I heard Nicci say "Great days don't start with Geog Tests."
THAT is so true. :O

Well, my Geog Test was like ok, do-able. I know most of the info and stuff. Don't know if it was written down in the right format though. :S And LORMS was a disaster. There was hardly any time left to finish the LORMS. I was rushing, rushing! And I managed to barely scrape out some content and therefore, INCOMPLETE. :( Sigh. Ah well, at least I studied and can remember the stuff, right? High-tech farming= The application of advanced technology to improve crop yield and control the environment of blah-blah-blah. Oops. Maybe not.

This blog will be used for History PT. Thank you and have a nice day.

Hmm, today was my first time eating rice with my hands in school. Miselle was like, "Eeeeew.. That's so weird. Don't touch me with your hand!"
HELLO?! WHY WOULD I DO THAT?! Don't wanna waste time to walk to the toilet, wash my hands and then walk back, WOULD I?! No. Clear? Yes. Good.

Eating with hands is so nice and easy. It makes me feel like "Hey Food! I'm in control!! You can just go down my gullet and dissolve in my stomach!!" >:)
Ah, ok. That. Was weird.

It's nice to show my Malay culture. Though I'm Javanese. Oh, you did not know? All my grandparents are Javanese. Which makes me true-blue Javanese too. No, Kimberly. Not Japanese, JAVANESE. They just changed my parents' race to get cheaper education and stuff because Malays have privileges. :) Singapore is a Malay country. Ok, do I sound too proud of my Javalay? Yes. So I shall end here. :)

Hmm.... How do I make blogs fun?

Au revoir!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Mon Premier Post

My very first post (I'm sorry guys!) would have to be the letter I wrote to my fulscap paper. Many of me levelmates would have read it already but this is for those who didn't. ;) See, I was feeling so moody just now in the morning don't know why. Turned out, I was having my you-know-what. Heh heh. :o Ok, 'enjoy' my letter.

Dear Fulscap Paper,
Today I feel horrible. It is, no WAS supposed to be a good day but it turned out pretty shitty. I'm supposed to be happy because I get to have recess with my levelmates and get to stand in front representing Red Cross Song. But so far, I feel so darn stressed. I mean, yeah RC Song was awesome and RC Recess is always fun but LA pulled my feelings down the drain. I mean, C5?! 57 something?! WTH. I think Mr Cho is a damn horrible teacher . Ms Chua can do it(teach me properly) why can't he?! Or maybe it's just me. I used to be so good in English. Now, what? I'm turning into an EM3 person. :(
I need a hug. I want a hug. Lasting 60 seconds. Like that time we all comforted each other in the toilet.
I like feeling wanted. I love feeling wanted. I want to feel wanted. I hate myself now. I wish I were Miselle. Life's always perfect for her.
Feelind Emotional? We're here for you at
Should I?

One thing to lighten me up. I'm getting my contacts circa Thursday. Finally my natural look. I'll look like a princess again. :) Not like that Farah who thinks she's so cool and pretty and that nerd glasses are nice. Bleh >:P
Dear Fulscap Paper,
Thank you for lending me some of your precious space to hear me rant. And to you, for taking your precious time to read.
Love, Audi
PS. Love you levelmates! :)

Ok that's it. I feel a bit better now. As I have said it's just because of you-know-what. ;)
Hmm, I know that Nicolette said her 'secret' blog got found out by Wen Qian Ma'am. She said she is a good blog-find-outer. So I am waiting, waiting for MY blog to get find out. Ooh, that will be fun. :) Of course, Wen Qian Ma'am could just type SCRCY or SCGS or maybe her own name Wen Qian Ma'am in Google or sth. ;) Just keep waiting, just keep waiting. :)
Bye!! Oh I don't know why Miselle always writes kthxbye at the end of blog posts. Thanks for what? =.=
Audi :)