Thursday, April 29, 2010


Today during Art I was feeling nervous about doing footdrill later on during meeting. Because well, I just do not want my horrible footdrill to screw up the whole sekuad, y'know? Anyway, I was saying 'Oh no, I don't want to do footdrill.' And suddenly this farah kpo for nothing and she said 'Oh I love footdrill! :D' And I looked at her and said 'because it's so slack, right?' Then she said yes. And then I retorted 'Well then it's not footdrill anymore.' Like serves her right!! That's for screwing me up during HMT.

I tell you what happened.

Since it's MT week, we are playing this game called 'Piramida' in class. And it's something like charades. Yes so, since yesterday there were 9 people in class, we had it divided into 3 pairs and one group of 3. I was in that group and we were doing so well! After two rounds, we had 11 points(top score). I contributed 7 of those points because I guessed one of the topics and got all the words right. (Nah, the explanator was good, not me. Thanks to her, I guessed all right!) :P So I was actually very useful to the group. BUT TODAY! SOMEONE did not come and she is farah's pair. So Cikgu told our group of 3 that one person has to move over to be farah's pair. And yes, it was me. >:( LIKE WTHHHHH?!?!?!

And she was not really doing so good in the game to. Yes, her pair was LAST. Meaning I had to deal with a person who cannot explain/guess. And because of her, today I am in last place. >:( Like wth?! 1st to 4th? HMPH. What a bloody idiot.

But what touched me the most was that my other classmates, who will receive top 3 prizes, wanted me to get the first prize! I was very very VERY surprised when Natalia said it was unfair that I was not about to win anything after being able to get all 7 words the first time round, before I moved. And then everyone was agreeing. Aww... Humairah wanted to give her first prize to me. And Siti was looking so sad. And Naomi, well, she actually said bye to me! And I was thinking, 'Hmm... They actually bother.' :) Well, we'll see what happens. I think they deserve their prizes, no?

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