Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Si tu n'etais plus la :)

Today was Geog Test. At the start of the day, Mrs Tang said, "Up on your feet, girls, and have a great day!"
And then I heard Nicci say "Great days don't start with Geog Tests."
THAT is so true. :O

Well, my Geog Test was like ok, do-able. I know most of the info and stuff. Don't know if it was written down in the right format though. :S And LORMS was a disaster. There was hardly any time left to finish the LORMS. I was rushing, rushing! And I managed to barely scrape out some content and therefore, INCOMPLETE. :( Sigh. Ah well, at least I studied and can remember the stuff, right? High-tech farming= The application of advanced technology to improve crop yield and control the environment of blah-blah-blah. Oops. Maybe not.

This blog will be used for History PT. Thank you and have a nice day.

Hmm, today was my first time eating rice with my hands in school. Miselle was like, "Eeeeew.. That's so weird. Don't touch me with your hand!"
HELLO?! WHY WOULD I DO THAT?! Don't wanna waste time to walk to the toilet, wash my hands and then walk back, WOULD I?! No. Clear? Yes. Good.

Eating with hands is so nice and easy. It makes me feel like "Hey Food! I'm in control!! You can just go down my gullet and dissolve in my stomach!!" >:)
Ah, ok. That. Was weird.

It's nice to show my Malay culture. Though I'm Javanese. Oh, you did not know? All my grandparents are Javanese. Which makes me true-blue Javanese too. No, Kimberly. Not Japanese, JAVANESE. They just changed my parents' race to get cheaper education and stuff because Malays have privileges. :) Singapore is a Malay country. Ok, do I sound too proud of my Javalay? Yes. So I shall end here. :)

Hmm.... How do I make blogs fun?

Au revoir!!

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