Monday, April 26, 2010

Plus heureuse

I have a mini ear infection on my left ear. Urgh sounds gross. >:O

Anyway, my mom says it's because of my stainless steel ear studs, that I recently changed to a few weeks ago. She says 'I think gold suits you more than stainless steel.' I know you think I sound spoiled. Hmph. >:L

Today during CE, Ms Ku wanted to do a one-on-one with the students. It was not my turn yet, she chose random people. And Carlyn and I(I'm trying so hard to not put me and Carlyn) were laughing so much because each session was so long like 15 minutes. Only one lasted almost 5 minutes.

And I was laughing so much because this time it is not a PTD(Parent Teacher Dialogue) but an STD(Student Teacher Dialogue). HAHAHA! If you had taken Biology, you will know STD stands for sexually-transmitted diseases. :O :DDD

And when Carlyn said something like 'Oh, this one is only 8 minutes long.' I'll go 'Well, at least it's not a lifetime'. HAHAHA! :D

Hmm... You know Stomp? I feel so scared some random reader will post this on Stomp and say 'Student from elite school makes fun of life-threatening diseases' or something. :L It's so freaky. ON GUARD ON GUARD ON GUARD.

This one is on a happier note.

Btw, I swept the class again.

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