Tuesday, April 6, 2010

C'était Un BON Jour!

Alhamdulillah, today was perfectly perfect! :3 I cannot believe it! How wonderful today had been! In school, I had a test, Geography. Read about it below. ;) And after that was Physics. So-so but I learnt something(right?). During Math, Miss Lim did not come. But we continued with the pop quiz. Hoping to get 10/10. It was hopelessly easy.

And then recess! WITH LEVELMATES!!! I think I have a crush on my levelmates or something. I love them SOSOSO MUCH!! Ok. During recess, I ate a nice meal, rice with chicken almost-curry. :d With hands!! :)

After that came HMT!! My favourite lesson after Math. We had to write a dialogue about two friends talking about whether it was hard or not to ensure a close family bond. That was fun because I was and AM very sure my idea was innovative and new! And I knew what to write because as it was based on the newspaper article last Wednesday, I came nicely prepared. ;) I enjoyed THAT lesson.

AND to end the beautiful day (not end really but oh well)... TWO FREE PERIODS IN CS!!! It's just me and the computer! :D And I brought my MP3 player down because of the headphones. So I plugged the MP3 into the computer because I thought of listening to Il Avait Les Mots from there since the YouTube audio was damn horrible and guess what? My MP3 player started charging!! And by the time school ended, the battery was full, ready for me to listen to a perfect form of Il Avait les Mots non-stop on the way home! :P Which, of course, I did.

And on the way home on the MRT (at Khatib), who should I meet but dear Cara, one of my best friends from primary school! Of course, we lived in the same condo with a block just next to each other! Yep, we caught up with each other and she said she's gonna have a Geog Test on Thursday too! :O WHAT A COINCIDENCE!! ;D And on Agriculture too. :) Good luck, dearie! :)

And today I have the whole day to myself since I have no more tuition. So long, Kumon! Oh, the whole day to study, do work, and go Facebook-ing! :) Oh, what a day. What a beautiful day!

And guess what my dear friends? The only lessons tomorrow are Art, Lang Arts and Math! A mix of so-so, hate and love!

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