Wednesday, April 14, 2010

C'est peu clair.

Today was.. today. Some funny/weird/suckish things happened so yeah. I'm posting this kinda late because well, I'll explain later. Sigh... This blog post today will be as boring as hell.

Best thing today: Since we're doing 'ringkasan' or summary now for HMT, Cikgu was doing some summary practices with us. Like how to write a summary, important points, etc. AND YOU KNOW WHAT?? She just decided to give us all 18/20 for the PRACTICE summary we did and practically copied from her example FOR FREE!! Do you like, get what I'm saying? Btw, this component falls under daily work so. Yep. :O :P :D

Ow ow ow. Just bumped my ankle on the table edge. <:'O Ow ow ow.

Something seriously retarded: You know the 'fun' assembly we had today, the International Friendship Day Conference Fun-O-Rama? Yeah well there's one representative from India with a surname sounding like Chakraborty or sth idk idc. So drima was like 'hey you stole my name!' (imagine the tone to be like a ducky pouty kinda tone, yeah?) AND SHE KEPT SAYING THAT AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN UNTIL I GOT SO PISSED. Because you wanna know sth? She doesn't even use her real surname in WS and stuff. You wanna know what she writes as her name? drima chuck. So what's the point of screaming that her name was stolen if she doesn't use it? Like a white elephant. Or in this case, black elephant. HAHAHA. Oh. Am I getting too racist? Oops. Sorry. :) And I realised that she has double-chin. Poor Siti needs to sit beside this freak. :(

Something anoying: Well, today I had to go for Project CanalWatch water testing somewhere near KK. So me and Jiun Ning waited outside lvl 2 staffroom. And waited for Amierah. But she didn't come for a long time, until 2 plus because upper sec ends sch at 2. Toughie huh? So we called Mrs Cha and she told us to look for Mr Jo. But we found out he went for the NCC thing and would be back after 4. <<<:O So yep, I waited with Jiun Ning and Amierah at the canteen until 4 plus! (Oh and I got so bored with my Math Graded Assignment I started poking my socks with my mechanical pencil :P) Then we met Mr Jo at the bus bay, where he was talking to the NCC girls, who were in sekuad form. :D Then we got into his car, and the NCC ppl were looking at us wonderingly. I felt sooo VIPish. :D Anyway, yeah, he drove us to the hotspot and we did testing blah blah blah then when it was over he sent us to the United Square (the place we went for Arts Fest 'shopping' right?) where the Novena MRT station was. AND OMG we were all trying to not get tempted by the pretty bags and pretty shoes and pretty clothes. :O ARGHHHH!! MUST FIND PRETTY FRENCH TOP AT COTTON ONNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!

Something rare n' hilarious: Ever heard a teacher sing? A Justin Bieber song? I have. Kudos to Mr Jo for making a fool of himself in his car. :D JKJK. It was very funny. And we laughed a lot.

Oh right. Why this post is so late. I came home only at 6pm. And then I ate dinner and slept till 8.30pm. :O And then I showered till like 9 plus. Then I did all my French homework because tmr I'll have no brains to comprehend the words after Red Cross. :S So that ate up much of my time. And I haven't done my Art and Math due tmr. :( I guess I'll ask someone to help me with it(Math).

I bet you a hundred dollars you were bored by this post so much you'd rather watch the ceiling light for 6 hours straight.

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