Friday, April 23, 2010

Météo de la haine et la colère

Well, since I promised SOMEONE I'll update this, fine I will. I have 7 things noted down on my post-it which I will share with all of you. (That sounds a bit weird actually.)

Oh, first thing is.. um...let's see... Ah! It's on the topic of being unthankful. Well, I guess this is kinda old. But remember the day I swept the whole class? Yeah the day after that, I guess I expected some form of thanks or something. Yeah most were happy, but there were SOME who totally did NOT appreciate it at all! Like Natalia becasue she was like "Eh, why my table so out then yours so in?" Like what? And Mr Cho also lah, he looked for dust all that and found the table I did not have time to clean. He's so mean. Never even say thanks you or anything. What is in his mind? Thinking that I'm a robot and can clean THE WHOLE CLASS?? I think a more probable scenario would be Nemo the clownfish taking over the whole world. And anyway, the class is getting dirty again.

OCD: Haha, Audi! I will rule your life!!!!

Okey! Oh ya, and you know right? While I was cleaning Siti helped also right? Yeah, while doing the whiteboard Siti put the many dusters on the nearest table, farah's one! >:D Hahaha. Padan muka! And best of all, we forgot to put them back! So the next morning she had to put them back herself reluctantly. :D Poor thing. >:)

Every morning, I have a routine. Wake up, take a shower, put on clothes, pray, tie up hair, put on sunscreen, put on contacts. But my favourite part of morning routine would be powdering my face! :O (Oh man another ego moment.) I just like the way the face powder makes my face, um I dunno, presentable? :D I have to buy a new compact powder now all the powder sudah pecah berderai akibat dijatuhkan oleh Aryan.

Today during French there was a lot of angry weird weather. Weather full of hate and anger. There was sudden lightning that might just destroy one's sight. The sudden coming and going of heavy rainfall (it lasted seconds), and the loud groan of thunder that could be the official soundtrack of horror movies. :O I can't explain it. It's... weird. Ooh I love my describing skills. ;)

I have lots of homework. Yay for me, who's a super bad time-organiser. I won't survive the weekend with all my homework done. If I do, it would be a miracle. :( Sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh. I think I hate my life. One of the stupid homework is analyzung this poem with an allemand title. I will never allow the word to appear here. It is such an ugly language. And it will appear in French. Anyway, drima was so action about it and showed off she know the title all that. Whatever, drima. We don't care. French is nice and feminine or as you will say, petite, while allemand is just some kind of guyish masculine violent sounding thing. Maybe that's why she takes it. :D

And I'm getitng so bad at Math. NO WAY! What's wrong with me?! :( I suck. I feel like a total failure now. And because of that, of every subject actually, I feel kinda depressed. If only I lived in a Utopia where you can do anything you want without people judging you. And you never, EVER feel stressed. And you are happy all the time, and pure contentment blissfully fills your heart. But then, every Utopia turns into a Dystopia right?

I have a better idea. I think I'll just become a hermit.

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