Sunday, April 18, 2010

Je sais ce qu'il faut ajouter!

I remember now! :D

First I want to say that my sister and I are on rough patches. Like one moment, we're ok with each other, then the next we are fighting over I-also-don't-know-what. Sigh. :( You know like a few months ago she was my best friend (until I really fell in love with you). But for the five days she was gone, I think I experienced peaceful bliss. Then when she came back, I feel so cramped, like my space had been intruded. And so I got irritated so easily. :(

And you know the hiccup-stopper recipe? Yeah, thank Angeline my lab-partner for that. :)

ARGH! When will my RC Angel write to me? I feel so Angel-less. Like Los Angeles. No angel. What crap AM I talking? I don't know. :L

Hmm... Commonwealth Essay is kinda easy to write. Just the introductory paragraph is like 100 words. And it's supposed to be at least 500 words long. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. I'm writing on the mad scientist. What about YOU? :P

Argh, I'm so scared that I might not get at least 75% for RCV Silver Accred. That's like I think maximum 7 wrong. :( Maybe I get 8 wrong. :( :( :( But it was satisfying when I actually know the answers. :) Doesn't ensure anything though. :(

Next, I'd like to clarify the meaning of 'si'. I said it means 'if', Miselle said it means 'so'. So yeah, I looked it up and I saw that it means

a) If. YAY!!
b) So. Argh, fine you're right also.
c) Yes. Yes, it means yes.

So it seems that I am right, Miselle is right, and so are the Spanish.

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