Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mise à jour de vos blogs s'il vous plaît!

Hmm...... Let's see today. Was average. But level recess was cool. :D And I ate one too many sandwiches. :L I ate that kebab chicken sandwich thingy from the vending machine and then ate the Nutella bread from home. Urgh... Felt like puking after that. :O Chicken and chocolate do NOT go well together. :L

Today I'm going for the Animal Farm play. URGH!!!! WHY ARE SO MANY PEOPLE GOING ON WEDNESDAY?!?! :( Never mind at least Nicole is seating beside me. :D I think. :O

Another piece of The Truth About Forever coming in a bit! I think I love, love, absolutely ADORE Sarah Dessen books. I guess she's my favourite author? C: I'm going to finish the book very VERY soon though. Sigh. Mental note: BORROW MORE BOOKS.

Ok, this is Page 194 of TTAF by Sarah Dessen. Only right here at La Lavande.

"That sucks, though," Wes said finally, his voice low. "You're just setting yourself up to fail, because you'll never get anything perfect."

"Says who?"

He just looked at me. "The world," he said, gesturing all around us, as if this party, this deck encompassed it all. "The universe. There's just no way. And why would you want everything to be perfect, anyway?"

So tell me what do you think about being perfect? I think perfection is not TOO important because it's the effort that counts. I mean, I don't know. Perfect or not it's the PERSON who counts right? What do you aim anyway in being perfect? Being perfect sometimes may be good. But not when you're too perfect. I just think this small extract relates so much today to me after a small convo with someone during recess. In this case, I go with Wes' view.

Hmm... Should go and take a shower now and not procastinate or I;ll be late for the play. :) Oh and get ready for French tomorrow. Tomorrow is a make-up lesson because I DO NOT WANT TO BE ALONE ON FRIDAY!!\

PS. There's this ultra-cute video about how to prevent kidnapping, Malaysian production. So naturally, it's Malay. But it's cute! And I can't upload it because there's always AN ERROR. But still, it's cute. :)

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