Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Les Ampoules

Since today school ended at 1.10pm and I had to wait till 3pm for LA remedial, I had an hour 50 mins all to myself. So after going to the library for a while with Siti, I decided to sweep the class which was absolutely FILTHY. Let me tell you, I had to empty the dustpan 5 times before I was satisfied. And some people helped with the stuff of course like Angeline, and SITI of course!!! :)

Well, anyway I used up 95% of my free time cleaning cleaning cleaning. I swear I got OCD from Jan. Every little thing MUST be swept up. Or I will feel so uncomfy. :(

Well, towards the end, I felt so tired. My back was aching from all that bending. My hands sore and red from constant sweeping motion. (Get it? Sweeping motion? Sweep? NVM. -.-) My whole body just begging for a rest after sweeping for an hour and a half non-stop. But no, of course I did not stop. Not even when Angeline offered help, or when Siti told me to not overwork myself. But I was so determined. Why? :L

I know, do you know? No you don't so I'm gonna tell you now.

It's that burning desire to want to contribute, you know. Or maybe not. It's that even more burning desire to actually conquer this challenge (and chore- Get it? CHORE? :D NVM. =.=) and be able to proudly say that 'I swept the whole class myself, all by myself. I did not stop. I did not rest. I just swept, and swept, and swept. Did you?'

So the class duty roster is useless. No one bothers. So the class looks more like a shithole than a class. Mr Cho promised us 5 happy notes if he is REALLY impressed with class cleanliness, since he wanted to 'motivate' us and was damn exasperated with the damn messy and dirty classsroon.

So yes, I swept. For the class, and maybe for me. To show that I'm really not that worthless.

And after the LA remedial, I stayed back a teeny weeny bit with Siti to touch up the class.

And Mr Cho, you BETTER be happy with the class. AND GIVE US AT LEAST 2 HAPPY NOTES. OR ELSE.

I even got blisters.

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